Registration process is starting on 3 February 2025 for admission to Architecture courses in India. The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is conducted by the Council of Architecture (CoA) for admission to B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) programs across India.
Exam has two section part I and Part II and total question asked are 200. The test is conducted offline for drawing and online for aptitude test. And will start from 1 March to June 2025.
There is no morning shift this time as the exam will be conducted on Friday and Saturday 2025 in afternoon session
MCQs, MSQs, PCQs, Numerical, Match the Following, Fill in the Blanks
Part A – Drawing and Composition Test – Offl ine mode – test duration 90 Minutes, 80 mark
AI-1 Question-composition and colour-25 Marks
A 2-1 Question-Sketching and composition (B&W)-25 Marks
A3-1 Question 3D composition-30 Marks
Part B
MCQ-NCQ computer based adaptive test
Exam Mode-Online
Duration-90 Minutes
Maximum Marks-120
B1-42 Question-MCQ
B2-08 Question-NCQ
NATA 2025 Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Drawing and Composition Test
Composition and color will include creating suitable composition for various situation and colouring them appropriately. Re-arranging various shapes in visually appealing manner and colouring it suitably
Sketching and composition (B&W) Ability to draw,visualize and depict a situation involving building/its component,people,environment,products with understanding of scale,proportion,texture,shades and shadows etc.
3 D composition-creating interesting 3D situation for the given situation using the provided kit
Part B
Visual Reasoning-Ability to understand and reconstruct 2D and 3D composition and knowledge about its composition and technical concept
Logical Derivation-ability to decode situation,composition,context and generate meaning. Understanding the minutes hidden in a particular situation and drawing conclusion’
GK,Architecture & Design-General Awerness of Architecture,desing,current issues
Language interpretation-Ability to correctly and logically generate meaning of words,sentences and understanding of English grammar
Design Sensitivity and Thinking ability to observe record and analyse people,space,product,environment,critical thinking,reasoning and ability to identify the subtle communications.Ability to understand semantic,metaphors,problem identification and definition, analysis of given situation.
Numerical Ability-Basic Mathematics and its association with creative thinking. To unfold a space with use of geometry