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One year PG program by DU from 2026

One year PG program by DU from 2026

There is lot of changes in the education system since NEP 2020 came into effect. Now DU is going to introduce a one-year postgraduate programme starting in 2026. This is line with the National Education Policy, NEP. The draft proposal will be presented for discussion at the upcoming Academic Council meeting on December 27, as outlined in the meeting’s agenda.

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Though the proposal did not go well with faculty member as they have raised concern and accused the administration for hastily pushing it.

As we are that DU already started a four-year undergraduate program, with the third semester currently in progress. As there is an exit option the student’s year is not missed with this policy if a student exits at any time of his/her graduation he will be handed out certificate, diploma or degree. If one exists in one year student is awarded a certificate, those who leave after the second year receive a diploma, and students completing three years earn a degree.

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One year PG or two years PG

As the new policy suggest an option for the student who finish the fourth year graduate with an honours degree. This draft says that After completing three years, students have the option to pursue a two-year postgraduate course, while those finishing four years can enroll in the one-year postgraduate program.

The DU is working on this to implement with distinct curriculum for both one year PG course. In one year will earn 22 credits per semester thus totaling 44 credits for the degree..

 And for the two-year program, students will accumulate 88 credits. As per UGC guidelines, the two-year degree will be classified at level 6.5, while the one-year degree will be at level 7.

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