
RITES Vacancies 2025: 300 Professional Posts, Exam Dates & Syllabus

RITES Vacancies 2025

RITES Vacancies 2025 for Professional- The exam dates will be announced. There are 300 vacancies available to be recruited this year.The post is temporary in nature. Candidates will be selected on the basis of written Test.

Also Read :- RITES Recruitment Syllabus 2025: Subject-Wise Exam Topics

RITES Vacancies 2025: Syllabus

Traffic T &T

Concepts & Theory of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, Design, Planning, Mapping and Analysis of Primary Traffic & Travel Surveys. Urban transport planning process – stages, study area, zoning, data base, concept of trip generation Role of transport, types of transport systems, evolution of transport modes, transport problems and mobility issues. Urban form and Transport patterns, land use – transport cycle, concept of accessibility. Hierarchy, capacity and geometric design elements of roads, intersections and various Public transit systems. Basic principles of Transport infrastructure design

Economics & Statistics

Economic Theory and Applications, Theory of Economic Development & Finance, Fundamentals of economic growth and development, Concept & Quantitative Methods for Economic and Financial Analysis, Research methodology for economics, Economic statistics and applications, Descriptive Statistics, Probability theory, Distribution Theory, Sampling Theory, Operations research, International economics, Transport Economics


1. Building construction A-Masonry Methods by which walls are built in stone brick in combination of stone and brick. Method of bonding brick and stone arches, lintels, chhajjas brick and stone Footing. B-Doors windows & Partitions Design consideration TW and pressed metal frames, method of fixing, Various types of shutters such as ledged and battened, paneled, glazed and flush etc. Fixtures & Fastenings TW windows, glazing louvered type, ventilators etc. Simple TW partitions. Partitions & variations such as flush, glazed, paneled type. C-Staircases Design principles, Types of staircases, finishes, railings, parapets RCC staircase. General idea of wooden and stone staircases. D-Flooring and Roofing General idea of Timber roofing & flooring. Various spans and timber trusses slopping roof in RCC with various finishes and covering, waterproofing for terraces.

2. Surveying & Estimation A-Surveying & Leveling Different types of surveying methods, chain & compass survey, plotting methods, methods of leveling, reduction levels and checks, types of levels, temporary adjustments, contours, theodolite and its use. B-Estimating Taking out quantities from foundation to roof of a simple building or a part of building and preparing bill of quantities.

3. Building Materials & A – Building Materials Specifications I. Bricks : Different types, properties and essential qualities II. Stone : Different types, suitability and properties III.Timber : Classification, method of cutting, defects, seasoning, Preservation, protection against termite IV. Iron : Cast iron, wrought iron, mild steel, stainless steel their properties and use in buildings V. Glass : Types of glass, ingredients, and forms, properties use in buildings VI. Cement & Lime : Types of cement its properties and use in buildings Types of lime mortars, types of concretes, various mixes and properties VII. Finishing Materials: Various cladding and paving materials, various types of Paints, varnishes, application, various materials for ceiling, partitions, Roof coverings, fittings & fixtures B – Specifications I. Specifications for Materials Importance of specification in the building activities, method of writing in correct order and sequence, Indian standard Specifications. Specification for materials such as bricks, stone, timber, flooring, cladding and roofing materials, glass, cement, sand and lime, fixtures and fastenings. II. Specification for Construction Specification for steel and concrete structures, ceilings, partitions, demolition work temporary structures such as stalls, sheds, gateways etc.

4. Building Services A- Ventilation Natural & Mechanical ventilation, condition of comfort, Central air conditioning system, AC Duct & distribution, AHU split air- conditioning, packages units windows unit etc. B -Vertical Transportations Electrical passenger lifts, elevators, Provision of National Building Code & design Consideration, escalators, working & space requirements C – Fire hazards & regulations: Fire alarms, fire escape staircase & other provisions of National Building Code D – Sewage & Refuse disposal General ideas of sewage disposal methods. Recycling of waste. Disposal methods of city refuse etc. 

5. Architecture Design Simple problems of site planning requiring study of entrance, exit, parking etc. on a level of ground/contour, Building interior layout of various rooms e.g. Executive cabin, Board/Conference Rooms, Work stations, Drawing/Dining rooms, Master Bed Rooms etc. showing various facilities like attach toilet, computer, OHP etc. (where required) 

6. History of Architecture i) Indus Valley Civilization, Timber architecture of Vedic and early Mauryan period. Buddhist rock cut caves and temples, Hindus Chanakya, Indo Aryan and Dravidian, Jain temples. ii) Islamic Architecture in Indian from 1000 A.D up to Moghul period in 18th century iii) British colonial and modern Indian architecture iv) General idea only of the developments in the west, mainly in Europe v) Egyptian, West Asiatic, Greek, and Roman architecture vi) Mediaeval, Renaissance, and premodern architecture 

7. Climatology Elements of Climate i) Effect of weather on human body, heat gain- and loss. Micro and Macro climate ii) Study of sun path, wind & rain etc. & their effect to building surfaces iii) Design of louvers, fins, chhajjas, grills, courtyard, Orientation of Buildings iv) Use of solar energy for heating, solar panels, evaporative cooling v) Study of well-known examples in Indian Context with reference to Climatic Regions such as hot & dry, hot & humid coastal, hilly situations etc. 

8. Professional Practice i) Conditioning of engagement, charging of fees, professional ethics, competitions arbitration etc. ii) The Architect and his work iii)Conditions of engagement and scale of professional fees and charges iv)Regulations governing the promotion and conduct of Architectural Competitions v)Code of Conduct vi) Building Bye laws & Code


Petrology: Igneous Rocks – Modes of occurrence, Textures and structures, Consolidation of Magmas, Origin, Classification; Sedimentary Rocks – Modes of formation, Textures and structures, Classification; Metamorphic Rocks – Agents, Processes, Depth zones, Zones of Progressive Metamorphism, Facies, Textures, Structures. Physical Geology: Geological work of natural agencies – weathering of rocks and engineering considerations; Geological work of wind; Geological work of Running Water; The Concept of Isostasy; Geomorphic Processes and associated Landforms: Fluvial, Glacial, Aeolian, Coastal and Karstic landforms. Structural Geology: Concept of dip and strike, folds, fractures, faults, Shear zones, unconformity, bedding/foliation and lineation. Geologic/geomorphic criteria for recognition of faults. Lithological, Geomorphological and Structural maps. Preparation of Geological plan & section. Concept of rock deformation. Stress and Strain in rocks. Physiographic Features: Mountains and Mountain Building; Volcanoes. Engineering Geology: Geology of Dam Sites and Reservoirs; Geology of Bridge Sites; Geology of Tunnel Sites; Geological considerations and problems in Road and Railway Construction; Stability of Hill Slopes and Cuttings; Improvement of Sites: Rock Grouting, Back filling; Study of Geological Maps; Geological logging, In-situ & lab test of rock & soil including analysis of data; Preparation of geotechnical report of bridges & tunnels

Geological Investigation: Objects of geological investigation; Method of investigations; Surface and Subsurface methods; Geophysical methods: Electrical methods& Seismic methods. Stratigraphy: Stratigraphic principles and correlation; Evolution of Geological Time Scale. Remote Sensing and GIS: Fundamental concepts of remote sensing; Visual interpretation of satellite imageries; Preparation of thematic map using Remote Sensing & GIS techniques. Ground Water Hydrology Occurrence of Groundwater: Origin and Age of Groundwater, Rock Properties Affecting Groundwater, Zone of Aeration, Zone of Saturation, Geologic Formations as Aquifers, Types of Aquifers.


1) Basic Principle of Geophysics, Application and choice of different Geophysical method. b) Classification of different Geophysical exploration method. c) Geophysical method of prospecting for Civil Engineering application d) Utility and importance of the techniques e) Gravity & Magnetic methods and its application f) Electrical and Electromagnetic prospecting and its applications, use and benefits g) Seismic Survey for shallow and deep exploration its use applications and benefits h) Application of borehole Geophysics for subsurface investigations. i) Airborne Geophysics and its applications 

2. Gravitational Method Fundamental principle and Phenomenon ; gravitational Constant; weight of the earth; factors causing variation in Gravity, Bouger Correction; Isostasy; density of material; Quantities measured in Gravity survey Theory & Interpretation. Different types of Gravimeter used for gravity prospecting. 

3. Magnetic Method Physical concept of Magnetic method; Law of Forces; Unit field strength and Magnetic fields; Permeability and susceptibility; magnetic field strength; terrestrial Magnetism; Magnetic gradients; distribution of Earth’s Magnetic field; Horizontal and Vertical magnetic field; Latitude and longitudinal correction in magnetic data. Field procedure and interpretation of magnetic data. Susceptibility of Rocks and mineral ; Different types of magnetometer used for magnetic prospecting. 

4. Electrical Method Current flow in a homogeneous earth; Resistivity measurement; Resistivity and apparent resistivity; Principle of equivalence; Anisotropy in rocks; Current flow in a horizontally stratified earth; Schlumberger apparent resistivity; type curves; Two layer curves; Three- layer curves; Four- layer curves; Asymptotic values of Schlumberger curves; Principle of reduction; Schlumberger curve matching with Ebert Charts; Inversion of resistivity data; Resistivity sounding case study; Resistivity Profiling; 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography; data processing and interpretation; Application of electrical methods for ground water and engineering Investigation. Different methods of Electrical Sounding and profiling. Different types of Resistivity meter for subsurface investigation & interpretation of Electrical sounding and profiling data. 

5. Seismic Method Basic theories of Seismic prospecting; Wave propogation,velocities of elastic waves and elastic constant; Velocities of different earth’s material; propogations of Seismic waves; refraction and Reflection Phenomenon; Refraction and Reflection method in seismic survey; Travel time curve;

Dip calculations; Velocity – depth function; Type of seismic spread and shooting method; Contineous refraction profile; Raypath and depth relationship;Correlation of refraction ; Multiple refraction. Seismic instrumentation recording & Storage system; Sampling; record length;Gain control; filters (high cut, low cut, band pass, Notch filter); phase effect;Phase analyzer;frequency analysis and wave propogations; Signal – Noise ratio. Seismic refraction data acquisition, processing and interpretations; Data acquisition method ; Identiification of Refracted waves; Picking of first arrivals; Data editing; Filtering ; T-D plot of refracted data; analysis of seismic data through critical distance (Xc) and time intercept (ti ) method; Velocity and depth analysis for two layer and three layer earth model; Application of Raypath theory in seismic refraction data processing; Inversion of Seismic refraction model and generation of 2D Seismic Tomogram; generation of layered earth model from the seismic tomgram. Interpretation of Seismic sections interms of Geology with identification of subsurface strata and its characteristics. Assessment of ‘Q’, RMR, Rock mass Strength ( c) , Dynamic Elastic properties of soil and rock. Fundamentals of Cross hole; uphole and downhole seismic survey and its application in Engineering geophysics. Fundament of shear wave analysis through Multi Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW). Benefits of seismic survey in geotechnical investigations

6. Well logging Application of Borehole Geophysics in Engineering Geophysical Investigation; Geophysical logging Instrumentation devices and probes/Sonde. Use of different types of well logging probes to evaluate Lithology & stratigraphic correlation; aquifers and associated rock conditions; Effective porosity; Bulk density;true resistivity; Specific yield of Unconfined Aquifer; Type of well logging probes Electrical Probe ( SP, Point resistance; Short normal 16”; Long normal 64” Lateral resistivity 18’ 18”) Natural Gamma probe Tempreture and Caliper probe Gamma-gamma density probe Neutron logging Acoustic & Optical televiewer Logging Hydrofracturing and Insitu sress measurement Sonic logging ( Vp & Vs) probe Methodology and borehole preparation of for Well logging , Logging associated risk analysis precoautionary measures prior to start the logging operation; Borehole Fluid resistivity/conductivity for carrying out different logging operation. Interpretation of Logging data, correlation of different logs and calculation of different parameters through different logs and its application in Engineering Geophysics. 

7. Knowledge about the recent development of new applications in Geophysics for site explorations: Air borne Time domain Electromagnetic (TEM) Method for exploration Application of GPR ( Ground Penetrating RADAR) for utility and other surface mapping. Underwater shallow refraction survey using Air gun for underwater construction of tunnels and other infrastructures. Ultrasonic Test for detection of cracks, voids in piers and abutment of old bridge structure. Refraction Microtremor(ReMi) to obtain site-specific NEHRP/IBC Vs30 site classification for earthquake response study.

SHE Expert

General Aptitude / General Knowledge / General Awareness/Latest events etc. o General workers amenities for Construction sites. o Housekeeping [Stacking of materials], P&M (Plants & Machineries), Various safety trainings, Audits & Safety Inspections o while working in Urban Areas, Barricading, Utilities etc. o Working at height, fall protection, platform, temporary structures, Access. o Mobile Elevated working platform (MEWP). o Lifting Appliances and Gear, means crane hoist machinery, derrick, winch, Hoist drum, Pulley block. Test and periodical examination of lifting appliances & Gears, ASLI (Automatic safe load Indication). o Electricity, Assessment & Power Strength and capability of electrical equipment. o Distribution Systems: 3 Phase and Single Phase and low voltage of 110 Volt for lighting Electrical protection System ELCB/RCCBs earthing of Electrical Equipment. o Industrial Cables:- Working near H.T. Lines, Site illumination Near o Welding, Gauging and Cuttings. o Deep Excavations (More than 1.5 mtr) o Works permit system, for Hot work heavy lifting permit. o Entry to confined spaces, tendons lifting- Traffic Diversion / Traffic management PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment). o Requirements of ISO 45001:2018

Social Science

Nature and Scope of Sociology & Social Work Sociological concepts and methods, man and environment relationships, sociocultural profile of Indian society and urban transformation, traditions and modernity in the context of urban and rural settlements, Issues related to caste, age, sex, gender, health safety, marginalized group, un/underemployed, disabled population. History and development of Social Work, Indian social structure and social problems, Human behaviour in society, Integrated methods of Social Work practice, Social Work with persons with disability, women, children, vulnerable groups, tribal people, rural and urban community development, social policy, social development, social change, social legislation and social security.

Unit-2 Development-induced Displacement Development and Displacement: A Historical Perspective; Process of Development induced Displacement and Rehabilitation; Impact of Displacement; Minimisation of Displacement; Experience of Displacement by Tribal, Dalit, Women and other Vulnerable group in India; Overview of the history of land acquisition under the now repealed Land Acquisition Act,1894;Its impact on affected population; Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act,2013(RFCTLARR, Act 2013): Initial steps and Basic Definitions; Award and Compensation; Provisions of The RFCTLARR Act,2013;Challenges to its implementation and Future Prospects. 

Unit-3 Social Impact Assessment Evolution of Social Impact Assessment (SIA); Concept and Definitions; Need and Significance of SIA; SIA Policy in Indian Context; Provision of SIA in RFCTLARR Act,2013; Steps in Conducting SIA Process; Principles of Good Practice in SIA; Approach and Method of Conducting SIA; Community Involvement in SIA; Identification of Alternatives; Identification and Assessment of social risks/impacts, Social Management Plan: Resettlement Action Plan, Gender Action Plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Income Restoration Plan, Tribal Development Plan; Monitoring and Evaluation of Resettlement Plan; Preparation of R&R Cost Estimates; Preparation of SIA Report Rehabilitation and Resettlement Basic Concepts of Rehabilitation and Resettlement: R & R – A National Scenario, Types of displacements – A Case Analysis: Transport projects (Railways, metro rail, Highway, Airport & Ropeway), Irrigation projects, Industrial projects, Hydro-electric project, Mining project; Displacement and R&R theories and Recovery Strategy: Four Stage Model developed by Scudder and Colson, 1982; Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction Model by Cernea, 1997; Action oriented model proposed by Agarwal, Rao and Reddy in 1985 while working with the Yanadi tribe in Sriharikota of Andhra Pradesh, India. Planning for R&R: Identification of PAPs; Baseline Data Collection & Analysis; Minimization of Displacement; Resettlement Issues; Process of Planning R & R; R&R Plan Content; Database Management; Valuation of Assets through Market Determined Process; Assessment of Non-quantifiable Values; Institutional Arrangements: Issues of Livelihood Restoration; Role of NGOs/CBOs and other Local, State, National and International Organisations in resettlement and rehabilitation of affected families/persons; Monitoring and Evaluation of R & R interventions; Preparation of R&R Action Plan;

Learning from International Best Practices in social impacts and R&R. Resettlement Policies and Legal Framework: National Policy and Acts on Resettlement and Rehabilitation and State Policies on R & R and Sector Specific Policies in large projects such as Mining projects, Multi-Purpose Dam Projects, Highway projects, Railways, Urban transport projects, SEZ, etc. Policies of multilateral/bilateral funding institutions: World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), New Development Bank (NDB), Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIIB), European Investment Bank (EIB) etc. 

Unit-5 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of R&R Site Preparation; Dismantling Process; Transportation and Reconstruction; Legal Provisions for Conflict Resolution in LA and R&R; Livelihood Restoration; Land Based and Non-Land Based Rehabilitation of Affected Families; Training and capacity Building for Rehabilitation; Access to Credit and Employment; Project Management Techniques; Resource Planning for Sustainable Rehabilitation of affected Families/Persons; Grievance Redressal Process; Evaluation of Land Acquisition and R&R, Gender Action Plan (GAP), Resettlement / Rehabilitation Plan (RAP), Stake Holder Plan (SAP).

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