
When the CBSE 10 Result will be out?

CBSE 10 Result

CBSE 10 Result The evaluation process for the CBSE class 10 answer sheet is nearing completion. Last year, the board declared the result on May 12, 2023. Though no official information came out from CBSE. This year around 16 Lakh students took the class 10 exam.

When the result is declared students can access the result online via official CBSE websites, DigiLocker, and UMANG app, as well as offline through SMS. The CBSE will also distribute digital academic documents through its integrated repository Parinam Manjusha on DigiLocker.

Get ready for new exam pattern this year

The total answer sheet count is beyond 80 lakhs. As we estimate that an average number of 5 answer sheets per student, the total count of answer sheets to be evaluated exceeded 80 lacks.

The evaluation process started in early March. After the assessment phase is over, the board collects the answer sheets, prepares the results, scans and uploads the copies, and computes the marks. This entire process typically spans around 2 to 3 weeks.

Which course to pursue after 10,check in this article

Last year 93.12 percent of students cleared the exam surpassing the pre-COVID pass percentage of 91.10 percent in 2019. So how many students appeared 21,65,805 students took the exams and 2016,779 students cleared the exam. The students who scored 95 percent were 44,297.

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