
CBSE Board to conduct board exam twice a year from 2024-25

CBSE Board Exam two times a year
CBSE Board Exam two times a year Board Exams from 2025-26: Union Education Minister DharmendraPradhan announced that students will be able to appear for Class 10 and Class 12 board examinations twice a year from the academic year 2025-26.One of the objectives of the new National Education Policy (NEP) to be announced in 2020 is to minimize academic stress on children, Pradhan said after launching the Prime Minister’s SHRI (Schools for Rising India Prime) initiative in Chhattisgarh on Monday. This will rehabilitate 211 schools in the state.

CBSE Board to conduct board exam twice a year from 2024-25

The event took place at the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium in Raipur, the event highlighted the importance of incorporating ten bag-free days into the school calendar annually, along with promoting children’s involvement in various activities such as art, culture, and sports. Minister Pradhan emphasized that starting from the academic year 2025-26, students would have the opportunity to take their 10th and 12th-grade board exams twice, aligning with the NEP 2020 initiative introduced by the government.

The Ministry of Education, in its August release of the New Curriculum Framework (NCF), outlined plans for board exams to be conducted on a biannual basis. The objective behind this approach is to provide students with ample time and opportunities to showcase their abilities effectively. Additionally, students will be given the option to retain their highest score.Pradhan asked students in attendance at the occasion whether they were satisfied with the decision and advised them to preserve the best grades acquired after taking both tests


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