
DU CSAS 2024: Registration started check direct link and other details here

DU CSAS 2024

DU CSAS 2024 UG window- DU has released the schedule for declaration of merit list for admission. Schedule is given below-

Declaration of First Merit List16-Aug
Accept the allocated list16-18 Aug2024
Last Date of Online Payment of Fee21-Aug
Vacant Seat on students Dashboard22-Aug
Declaration of Second Merit list25-Aug
Accept the allocated list25-27 Aug
Online Payment of Fee8/20/2024 16:00

There is helpdesk number to sort out any issue raised by students

You can click on this link to check the help desk number

The undergraduate admissions for 2024-25 has conducted through the Common University Entrance Test (CUET-UG) 2024. Correction window has opened from July 30 to August 04, 2024. (11:59 pm). for all candidates who had completed phase – I of CSAS (UG) and are desirous of making corrections in their application form.

The admission process includes three phases: registration on the CSAS portal, filling in preferences for programs and colleges, and the allocation-cum-admission phase. The registration fee is INR 250 for General, OBC, and EWS categories, and INR 100 for SC, ST, and PwBD categories. Additional fees apply for specific programs and sports quota applicants. To apply, visit the official DU CSAS portal at​

DU CSAS 2024

There is an option of Upgrade and Freeze section. If a candidate who has been allotted the seat can select upgrade. And those who want to continue can select freeze

The declaration of the allocation result/s, the candidate must login to his/her CSAS(UG)-2024 dashboard for acceptance of the allocated seat, if offered

Admission to performance based programme such BA Music and BSc Physical Education,health education and Sports (B.Sc. (PE, HE&S)) must select B.Sc. (PE, HE&S) + IGIPES Combination in the Preference-filling. These candidates have to appear for performance based test.

Minority college admission there are six minority colleges in Delhi. The 50 percent seats are reserved for them they are mentioned below

Christian Minority Colleges

  • Jesus and Mary College (W)
  • St. Stephen’s College

Sikh Minority:

  • Mata Sundri College (W)
  • Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
  • Sri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
  • Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College

It’s a three phase process for getting the admission in DU colleges.

  • First registration
  • Preference filling phase after CUET UG result 2024
  • Merit List for seat allocation

Mid Entry

It is opened for them who could not apply during the first phase of application opening window

Spot Admission

If the seats are vacant after final round of counselling DU may may announce for spot round of admission. The admission will be offered to those who have applied earlier and could not get the seat

Extra- Curricular activities admission The  5% of total sanctioned seats of the College shall be allocated for ECA and Sports admission. The College can allocate between 1% to 4% to ECA and Sports, subject to a maximum of 5% intake of the College. In addition, not more than 20% seats of the earmarked seats of a quota shall be allocated to a single program.

Application Fee for other courses

Candidates applying for BFA/ B. Sc(PE,HE &S) / B.A.(H) Music will have to pay an additional fee of Rs. 400.00 (non-refundable).

For applying to ECA and Sports supernumerary quota, there is an additional fee of Rs.100.00 (Rupees Hundred only) for each quota.

  1. The online application process will be considered completed only after the realization of the CSAS(UG)-2024 Application fee
  2. Candidates must check their dashboard, email, and admission website ( for all communications, updates and schedules related to all the Phases of CSAS(UG)-2024.

The admission will be offered the marks obtained in CUET UG score and qualifying exam score of the candidates in 10+2

Admission to Language course

 If a candidate did not appear in Language/s and/or Domain Specific subject/s and/or General Test which is mandatorily required for meeting the eligibility criteria of a particular Program, s(he) will not be eligible for admission to that particular Program.

ACADEMIC SECTION Candidates must enter the marks of all the subjects in which the s(he)has passed Class XII. If the mark sheet contains both Class XI and Class XII marks, only the Class XII marks must be entered. The candidate must have passed Theory and Practical separately. Fill the marks obtained and maximum marks for Theory and Practical separately as per Class XII mark sheet.

If the Theory/Practical break up is not specified for a paper, enter the marks only in the ‘Theory’ section for that ADVICE Candidates must remember their login details, such as CUET(UG)-2024 Registration Number, email Id and password

Candidate must fill the CSAS(UG)-2024 Application form with utmost care as editing will not be allowed once the form is successfully submitted. 10 paper and enter “0” in the maximum marks and marks obtained in the Practical section. Sessional/ Internal Assessment may be added under Practical section. Any discrepancy in the entry of marks pertaining to the Theory, Practical or Total, will be the sole responsibility of the candidate. In case of a candidate losing a seat due to wrong entry of marks, which are subsequently used for tie-breaking, such a case shall not be considered under grievance redressal


Candidates desirous of seeking admission on the basis of Sports Supernumerary Quota can apply for a maximum of three Games/Sports. Candidates must upload self-attested copies of a maximum of three Merit/Participation Sports Certificates of the preceding three (03) years issued between 01stMay 2021 to 30thApril 2024 only


The candidates who have completed Phase I will be required to map the subjects studied in Class XII with the Test papers in which they have appeared in CUET(UG)-2024.

For admission it is mandatory for the candidate to appear in CUET (UG)-2024 in those subjects in which s(he) is appearing/has passed Class XII. Mapping the subjects correctly is an essential criterion for the selection of Programs. In case the subject studied at Class XII is not mentioned in the CUET (UG)-2024, the candidate must appear in the Language/Domain Specific subject that is similar/closely related to the subject s(he) has studied at Class XII (for example, if a candidate has studied Biochemistry in Class XII, s(he) must appear in Biology in CUET(UG)-2024). For establishing similarity of CUET (UG)-2024 subjects with subjects taken in Class XII, at least 50% of the syllabus of should match. The University reserves the right for establishing the similarity. The decision of University in this regard shall be final and binding. Note: General Test of CUET(UG)-2024 will not be mapped to any subject


Delhi University offers 79 UG Programs and 183 B.A. Program Combinations in 69 Colleges, candidate may choose as many Programs as s(he) wishes, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. The candidate must select all the UG Programs in which s(he) is willing to take admission if allocated through CSAS(UG)-2024. The candidate will be able to select and order his/her preferences for Programs and Colleges. The candidate can choose multiple “Program + College” Combinations. The “Available Preferences” tab will display all the possible “Program + College” combinations the candidate may choose from. The candidate can use the “Advanced Filter” option available at the top to filter the Colleges as well as Programs.

Simulated Ranks

Before the commencement of the First CSAS Allocation round, the University will declare Simulated Ranks which are purely tentative ranks based on the scores and preferences submitted by the candidates at the end of Phase II. The Simulated Ranks will be displayed on the dashboard of the candidate. These Ranks should not be construed as a warranty, express or implied, or creation of a legitimate expectation or as final ranks for allocations of a program of study or college/department/centre whatsoever. After the declaration of simulated ranks, in case a candidate wishes to update/ revise/ add/ delete/ reorder any preference, s(he) may do so at this time. The candidates must, however, “save” their preferences at regular intervals. Only the saved preferences will be used for regular allocation

The merit list for the Unreserved (UR) category will also include SC/ST/OBC-NCL /EWS/Minority candidates, irrespective of category, if they meet the criterion of merit for the UR category. No candidate can be excluded from the UR category merit list just because the Candidate belongs to or has applied under SC/ST/OBC-NCL/EWS/EWS/Minority category

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