
HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025 – Few Other Things You Must Know

HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025

The application is open for recruitment of Junior Executive Diploma Holder in one of the Star PSU of India. The candidate with three year diploma in relevant field will fit in this position. The last date to apply is 14 February 2025. Retention amount of Rs.5000 will be deducted by the company.

Also Read :- HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025: Apply For 234 Vacancies Before Feb 14

Candidates must check the other facility offered by HPCL to its employee. First Check with Age criteria and age relaxation to few candidates

Age 25 years

HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025: Age Relaxation

The age relaxation will apply for the reserved category candidates.

Maximum age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC & ST, 3 years for OBCNC, 10 years for PwBD (UR), 13 years for PwBD (OBCNC) and 15 years for PwBD (SC/ST) candidates

HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025: Exam

CBT/ Personal Interviews for different positions may be conducted on the same day/ different venues for all the positions

HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025: Emoluments

Pay Scale-30,000-1,20,000 and Cost to Company Approximately 10-58 Lakh 

HPCL Junior Executive Recruitment 2025: Facilities

The Corporation also offers a comprehensive benefits package, including Liberal medical insurance coverage for employees and their dependent family members; Annual leave entitlements, comprising of casual leaves, earned leave, leave on half pay etc.; Financial assistance programs, encompassing housing

Need of Medical Examination

Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidate being medically fit and/ or clearing the physical endurance tests as per the standards prescribed for the post by the Company. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to get their Pre-Employment Medical Examination done in HPCL nominated/ empanelled hospitals. The decision on medical fitness by HPCL’s Chief Medical Advisor would be final and binding on the candidate. 

Anyrequestforre-examinationshallnotbeentertained.Reference for a medical examination does not mean final selection.

Probation: The Selected Officers will be on Probation for one year from the Date of Joining. Upon successful completion of the Probation period, the officer will be considered for confirmation as per company policy.

Retention Amount: An amount of Rs. 5000/- per month will be deducted as retention amount from the total emoluments for the first six months during the probation period for officers in Pay Scale of Rs 30000- 120000. The amount will be refunded to the officers only after their confirmation. The retention amount will be forfeited, in case the employee leaves the Corporation or on termination of service before the confirmation

Reservation Guidelines

Candidates seeking reservation as SC/ST/OBCNC/EWS, shall have to produce a certificate in the prescribed proforma (the format can be downloaded from HPCL Website) meant for appointment to posts under the Government of India from the designated authority indicating clearly the candidate’s caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognised as SC/ST/OBCNC and the Village/Town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of. They must also ensure that the name of their caste/ community and its spelling in their caste/ community certificate should be exactly as mentioned in the lists notified by the central government from time to time (for OBCNC category list of castes recognized by the Govt. of India as OBC castes in the central list is available on the site, for ST category the list of castes for each state is available on the site and for SC category the list of castes for each state is available on the site A certificate containing any variation in the caste name will not be accepted. Further, the OBC certificate should also clearly indicate that the candidate does not belong to creamy layer as defined by the Government of India for applying to posts and services under the Central Government

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