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NAta 2023 admit card and exam date

NATA 2023 Admit Card

NATA 2023 Admit Card and Exam Date. The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is a national-level entrance exam conducted for admission to undergraduate architecture programs in India. The authorities release the NATA admit card separately for each attempt, and it is an essential document that candidates must carry to the exam centre. The admit card acts as an identity proof and contains important details regarding the exam centre, date, and time of the exam. Therefore, it is crucial for candidates to download and carry the NATA admit card to the exam centre.

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NATA Schedule for Session IV

Registration Process started23-Aug-23
Registration Last Date13-Sep
Last Date for application fee payment13-Sep
Admit Card14-Sep
Exam Date17-Sep
Result Date27-Sep

The process of downloading the NATA Session 4 Admit Card is straightforward. Candidates can visit the official website of NATA and log in using their application number and password. After logging in, they can download the admit card and take a printout of the same. The admit card will be available for download from September 14, 2023, onwards. Candidates are advised to download the admit card as soon as it is available to avoid any last-minute technical glitches.

Architecture Aptitude Test-know about this

The NATA Session 4 Admit Card contains important details that candidates must verify before appearing for the exam. The admit card will contain the candidate’s name, roll number, photograph, signature, exam centre details, and exam day guidelines. Candidates must check all the details mentioned on the admit card and ensure that they match the details provided during the application process. In case of any discrepancies, candidates must contact the authorities immediately to rectify the issue.

NATA 2023 Exam Pattern

The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is an entrance exam conducted for admission to undergraduate courses in architecture. The exam pattern of NATA 2023 comprises of various aspects such as marking scheme, time duration, types of questions, and much more. The exam is conducted in two parts: Part A- Drawing Test and Part B-PCM and General Aptitude Test.

Part A of the NATA exam pattern is the Drawing Test, which is an offline, pen and paper-based section. It consists of just two questions, each carrying a weightage of 40 marks. The time allotted for this section is 1 hour 30 minutes. On the other hand, Part B of the exam is further divided into two sections: PCM and General Aptitude Test. The PCM section is conducted online and consists of 15 questions, with each question carrying 1.5 marks. The time allotted for this section is 45 minutes. The General Aptitude Test, which is also an offline section, consists of 35 questions and carries a weightage of 1.5 marks each. The time allotted for this section is 1 hour 30 minutes

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