

SSC CGL exam
SSC CGL exams are held to recruit candidates for various posts. There is an entrance exam to get one of the posts.: There are 6506 vacancies to be filled up. The candidate can apply for the same by going to the official website of the SSC. Candidates should know that there is a reservation in the said posts. The details of the vacancies are as follows-:
Group B Gazetted-250
Group B Non-Gazetted-3513
Group C -2743
SSC CGL Exam Application Fee:
Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only).
Fee Relaxation-: for women candidates and candidates in SC/ST/ (PwD)/ Ex-servicemen (ESM)

Is there any interview stage in SSC CGL check by clicking this article

SSC CGL Exam Eligibility
Nationality/Citizenship: The candidate must be either:
a citizen of India,
 the subject of Nepal,
a subject of Bhutan,
A Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st of January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India.


  • For the posts for which the age limit is 18-27 years
  • For the posts for which the age limit is 20-27 years.
  • For the posts for which the age limit is 20-30 years.
  • For the posts for which the age limit is up to 30 years.
  • For the post for which the age limit is up to 32 years.

SSC CGL Educational Qualification

Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer:
    • Essential Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or Institute.
    • Desirable Qualifications: Chartered Accountant or Cost & Management Accountant Company Secretary or Master in Commerce or Master in Business Studies or Masters in Business Administration (Finance) or Master in Business Economics.
  • During the period of probation direct recruits shall have to qualify for the “Subordinate Audit/ Accounts Service Examination” in respective branches for confirmation and regular appointment as Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer.
Junior Statistical Officer:
 Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level; Or Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.
All other Posts:
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.
The candidates appearing in the final year of their graduation can also apply, however, they must possess Essential qualifications on or before the given notification.
Application Form
Important instructions to be followed while uploading the documents
Candidates are required to upload the scanned colour passport-size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB).
 The photograph should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination, and, the date on which the photograph has been taken should be clearly printed on the photograph. Applications without such date printed on the photograph will be rejected.
The image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and both ears should be visible. 9.3.


SSC CGL Syllabus

The SSC CGL syllabus covers a range of subjects, including reasoning, aptitude, current affairs, English language, and comprehension. It is crucial to stay updated with the latest syllabus and pattern of the exam. Having complete clarity about the subjects and topics that will be covered in the exam will help in developing a comprehensive study plan. The revised SSC CGL exam pattern for Tier 1 and 2 has been released, and it is important to be familiar with the changes [4]. Thus, understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is the first step towards preparing for the SSC exam

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