
TS DSC Notification 2024 Out For 11602 Vacancy, Exam Date…

TS DSC Notification 2024 Out

Teacher Recruitment for the posts of School Assistants, Secondary Grade Teachers, Language Pandits & Physical Education Teachers and Special Education Teachers in Primary Level in the category of Secondary Grade Teacher and Special Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary Level in the category of School Assistant under Government and Local body schools in the State through TS DSC-2024


The selection will be made on the basis of written test which will computer based test

Application Opened4-Mar
Application closing last date20-Jun
Last date for fee payment19-Jun
Exam Date17-31 July

TS DSC Distance Education:-

Distance education degree must be recognized by the UGC/AICTE/Distance Education BureauThe Applicants who have obtained requisite Degrees through Open Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have recognition by the University Grants Commission / AICTE / Distance Education Bureau as the case may be. Unless such Degrees have been recognized by the relevant Statutory Authority, they will not be accepted for purpose of Educational Qualification vide its Public Notice No. F.27-1/2012 (CPP-II), Dt. 27/06/2013.


For School Assistants (SAs), Language Pandits (LPs), Secondary Grader Teachers (SGTs) and Special Education Teachers in Primary Level in the category of Secondary Grade Teacher and Special Education Teachers in Upper Primary/Secondary Level in the category of School Assistant selection will be on the basis of combined marks secured in the Written Test (TRT) 80% and Paper II of TET (20%) Weightage except School Assistant (Physical Education) duly following the Provisions of Rules by TS DSC

For School Assistant (Physical Education) and Physical Education Teachers (PETs) selection will be on the basis of marks secured in the Written Test (TRT) duly following the Provisions of Rules. c) For the purpose of Selection of Teachers under these Rules, scores obtained in Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with the qualifying marks


Minimum-18 year

Maximum-46 year

TS DSC Qualification

School Assistant (Mathematics)

  1. Must possess a Graduate / Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics (or its allied subjects as given in the Annexure to this G.O.) from a University recognized by UGC with 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in Bachelor of Education

(B.Ed.) / Special Education in B.Ed. course with Mathematics as a Methodology subject from any institution recognized by NCTE


Must possess a 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with Mathematics as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE.


Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with Mathematics and Science as Optional

School Assistants (Physical Science)

Must possess a Graduate’s Degree with any two of the following subjects as optionals i.e. Physics (or its allied subjects as given in the Annexure to this G.O.) and Chemistry (or its allied subjects as given in the Annexure to this G.O.) from a University recognized by UGC with 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) / Special Education in B.Ed. course with Physical Science / Physics / Chemistry / Science as a Methodology subject from any institution recognized by NCTE. (Candidates who study one of the two optional at Graduation and the other at Post Graduation with the required percentage are also eligible for the post)

OR ii. Must possess a 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with the Physical Science / Physics / Chemistry / Science as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE.


Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with Mathematics and Science as Optional.

School Assistant (Biological Science)

Must possess a Graduate’s Degree with any two of the following subjects as optionals i.e. Botany (or its allied subjects as given in the Annexure to this G.O.) and Zoology (or its allied subjects as given in the Annexure to this G.O.)) from a University recognized by UGC with at least 50% marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) / Special Education in B.Ed. course with Biological Science / Natural Sciences / Science / Botany / Zoology as a Methodology subject from any institution recognized by NCTE. (Candidates who study one of the two optionals at Graduation and the other at Post Graduation with the required percentage are also eligible for the post)


Must possess a 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with the Biological Science / Natural Sciences / Science / Botany / Zoology as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE.

AND Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with Mathematics and Science as Optional.

School Assistant (Social Studies)

A graduate degree with any of the two subjects such History/Economics/Political Science/Sociology/Geography/Psychology/Philosophy/Commerce and its allied subjects with B.Ed degree

Percentage of Marks-50 percent either in Graduate or PG.For SC/ST/BC is 45 per cent


Must possess a 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with the Social Studies / Social Sciences / Geography / History / Politics / Political Science / Economics as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE

AND Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with Social Studies as Optional.

School Assistant (English)/Telgu/Hindi/Urdu/Kannada/Tamil/Marathi/Sanskrit

Graduate with English as a optional/Graduate in Literature in relevant subject mentioned above/PG Degree in relevant subject mentioned above with 50 per cent marks and for reserved category 45 percent with Bed degree/Special Education in B.Ed course in English as a methodology subject


 Must possess 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently Abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with English as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE.

AND Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with i. Mathematics and Science or ii. Social Studies as Optional.

School Assistant (Physical Education)

 Must possess a Bachelor’s degree with Physical Education as an elective from a University recognized by UGC with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC , the minimum marks shall be 45%)


Must possess Graduation in Physical Education with 40% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC, the minimum marks shall be 35%) or Graduation in Physical Education i.e.. B.P.Ed. course of three years duration. OR iii. Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50% marks from a University recognized by UGC AND Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) of atleast one year duration from any institution recognized by NCTE.

Special Education teacher posts at Upper Primary/ Secondary Level in the category of School Assistant

Must possess a Bachelor Degree from a University recognized by UGC with 50% marks in Bachelor Degree (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in Bachelor Education (B.Ed) Special Education (Special B.Ed.) or its equivalent from an institution recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) and must be registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) with CRR Number. AND Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET).

Secondary Grade Teacher

Must Possess Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) as recognized by the Board of Intermediate, Telangana with at least 50% Marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education / Special Education in D.Ed / 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education.


Must Possess Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) as recognized by the Board of Intermediate, Telangana with at least 45% Marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2002 and pass in 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education / Special Education in D.Ed. / 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education. AND Pass in Paper-I of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test. (CTET).

Special Education Teacher posts at Primary Level in the category of Secondary Grade Teacher:- i. Must Possess Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) as recognized by the Board of Intermediate, Telangana with at least 50% Marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in D.Ed. Special Education or its equivalent from an institution recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) and must be registered with Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) with CRR Number. AND ii. Pass in Paper-I of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test. (CTET).

Language Pandit Kannada/Urdu/Hindi/Telgu/Marathi/Tamil/Sanskrit

 Must possess Graduation with Sanskrit as one of the Optional / Graduation in Literature in the subject mentioned above / Bachelor’s Degree in Oriental Language (BOL) in Subject mentioned above / Post Graduation Degree in relevant subject from a University recognized by UGC with at least 50% (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) and Pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) / Special Education in B.Ed course with Sanskrit as a Methodology subject or Language Pandit Training in Sanskrit from any institution recognized by NCTE.


 Must possess 4-year B.A.B.Ed. / B.Sc.B.Ed. Integrated degree with at least 50% marks (In case of SC / ST / BC / Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%) with Sanskrit as a Methodology from any institution recognized by NCTE. AND Pass in Paper-II of Telangana State Eligibility Test (TSTET) / Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (APTET) / Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) with I Mathematics and Science or ii. Social Studies as Optional.

Physical Education Teacher:-

Must possess Intermediate (or its equivalent) recognized by the Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana with minimum 50% marks. And A Certificate / Under Graduate Diploma in Physical Education / Diploma in Physical Education from an institution recognized by the NCTE.


Must possess a Bachelor’s Degree And Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) of atleast 1 year duration from any institution recognized by NCTE. V. Language / Medium Study Qualifications:

Language / Medium Study Qualifications:

The candidates who have (i) passed either SSC (or its equivalent) Examination or Intermediate (or its equivalent) or Degree Examination in the medium of instruction concerned or (ii) have studied the Language concerned as First Language in SSC (or its equivalent) or as Part-I in Intermediate (or its equivalent) or as Second Language in Intermediate (or its equivalent) or as a Subject in Degree, are eligible for the posts of SA (Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Social Studies & Physical Education), SGT and PET in the concerned medium. The written test will be in the bilingual language with concerned medium and English.

Candidates with Spl.D.Ed/B.Ed on appointment to the post pertaining to general schools are required to undergo an NCTE recognized six months Special Programme in Elementary education at their own cost. VII. Only the qualifications mentioned in the application form, for the post applied for, shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of selection

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