
BHU Recruitment 2024: Apply for Various Posts, PGT, TGT, PRT, Principal

BHU Recruitment 2024

BHU Recruitment for Principal, PGT, TGT, PRT-The registration process is open for recruitment of Principal,PGT,TGT and PRT in BHU School. The advertisement No No–24/2023-2024). The candidates who want to apply for the said post have to pay the registration fee of Rs.1000.

Last date extended till July 19, 2024

The position is at School Teaching (Central Hindu Boys’ School, Central Hindu Girls’ School & Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya)

BHU Recruitment 2024 Schedule

Registration Last Date-July 12

Last date for submission of downloaded application form along with the enclosures: 17.07.2024 up July 19, 2024 to 5.00p.m.

Pay scale has been provided in the last of this article

BHU Recruitment 2024 Post with their code and Seat Matrix

Post CodeName of the Post/SubjectNo. of Posts
School Teaching Posts [CHBS (K), CHGS(K) & SRSV(K)]
1Principal, CHBS (K)1     
2Principal, CHGS(K)1     
3Principal, SRSV(K)1     
Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
4Hindi   1  
6Mathematics    1 
11Physical Education    1 
12Physics  1   
Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
13English    1 
14Mathematics2 1 1 
15Urdu   1  
16Sanskrit1   1 
17Social Studies111 2 
18Science 1 11 
19Hindi1   1 
20Home Science1     
26Music (Instrumental)  1   
27Music (Vocal)1     
28Physical Education1 1   
Primary Teacher (PRT)
30Primary Teacher (PRT)4 1 11

BHU Recruitment 2024 Eligibility

Post CodePositionEssential Qualification & Age Limit
1-3Principal, CHBS, CHGS, SRSVEssential Qualification: A. Academic Master Degree from recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate. However, for Principal Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya (K), the candidate must have Masters’ Degree from recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in any of the following subjects: Vyakaran, Sahitya, Jyotish, Veda, Darshan & Sanskrit.B.Ed or equivalent teaching degree from NCTE approved institution.   B. Experience Persons holding analogous posts or posts of Principals in Central/State Govt./Autonomous organizations of Central/State Govt. in the Pay Level-12 (Rs 78800-209200); OR Vice-Principal/Asstt. Education Officers in Central/State Govt./Autonomous organizations of Central/State Govt. in the Pay Level-10 (Rs 56100-177500) with combined services of 05 years as PGT and 02 years as Vice-Principal; OR Persons holding posts of PGTs or Lecturer in Central/State Govt./Autonomous organizations of Central/State Govt. in the Pay Level–8 (Rs 47600-151100) or equivalent with at least 8 years’ regular service in the aforesaid grade. OR 15 years combined regular services as TGT in the Pay Level-7 (Rs 44900- 142400) and PGT in the Pay Level–8 (Rs 47600-151100) out of which 03 years as PGT. AND For CHBS- The experience must be either in a co-ed school or a ‘boys only’ school.For CHGS- The experience must be either in a co-ed school or a ‘girls only’
  school.   Desirable: Knowledge of Computer application. Age Limit: 35-55 years relaxable as per rules. Note: The Principal will be appointed on tenure basis/deputation basis. The term of appointment of the Principals shall be five (5) years, with eligibility for re-appointment for another term after an assessment by a committee constituted by the University. After completion of his/her term as the Principal, the incumbent will have an option to continue his/her service in the schools/Vidyalaya of the University as PGT in the school. In case of appointment on deputation basis, standard terms and conditions of deputation will be applied.
4-10 & 12PGTEssential Qualification: Two Years’ Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject; OR Master Degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects: PGT (English)– EnglishPGT (Hindi)- Hindi or Sanskrit with Hindi as one of the subjects at Graduate level.PGT (Maths)- Mathematics/Applied MathematicsPGT (History)- HistoryPGT (Economics)- Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics.PGT (Psychology)- PsychologyPGT (Darshan)- Darshan, Nyayavaisheshika, Prachinanyaya, Vedanta, Mimamsa, Samkhyayoga.PGT (Physics)- Physics / Electronics/Applied Physics/ Nuclear Physics.B.Ed. or equivalent degree from NCTE approved institution.Proficiency in teaching in Hindi & English medium. However, for Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya (K)- Proficiency in teaching in Hindi & Sanskrit medium. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for PGT is 40 years, relaxable as per rules.
11PGT-Physical EducationEssential Qualification: M.P.Ed. with at least 50% marks from NCTE approved institution.Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for PGT is 40 years, relaxable as per rules.
13-25 & 29TGTEssential Qualification: Four years’ Integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate; OR Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subjects/combination of subjects and in aggregate. The electives subjects and Languages in the combination of subjects as under:For TGT (Sanskrit): Sanskrit as a subject in all the three years.For TGT (Hindi): Hindi as a subject in all the three years.For TGT (English): English as a subject in all the three years.For TGT (Urdu): Urdu as a subject in all the three years.For TGT (Social Studies): Any two of the following: History, Geography, Economics and Political Science of which one must be either History or Geography.For TGT (Maths.): Bachelor Degree in Mathematics with any two of the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics.For TGT (Science): Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.For TGT (Home Science): Home Science.TGT-Agriculture: AgriculturalFor TGT (Vyakaran): Vyakaran as a subject in all three years.For TGT (Sahitya): Sahitya as a subject in all three years.For TGT (Jyotish): Jyotish as a subject in all three years.For TGT (Veda): Veda as a subject in all three years.For TGT (Darshan): Darshan as a subject in all three years.
    ii) B.Ed. or equivalent degree from NCTE approved institution.   Pass in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), conducted by CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.   Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium. However, for Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya (K) proficiency in teaching in Hindi & Sanskrit medium.   Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for TGT is 35 years, relaxable as per rules.
26 & 27TGT-Music (Instrumental & Vocal)Essential Qualification: Degree in Music with at least 50% marks from a recognized University.Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for TGT is 35 years, relaxable as per rules.
28TGT-Physical EducationEssential Qualification: B.P.Ed with at least 50% marks from NCTE approved institution.Proficiency in teaching in Hindi and English medium. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for TGT is 35 years, relaxable as per rules.
30Primary Teacher (PRT)Essential Qualification: Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known). OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).   Qualified in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by the CBSE in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.Proficiency to teach through Hindi & English medium. However, for Shri Ranveer Sanskrit Vidyalaya (K) proficiency in teaching in Hindi & Sanskrit medium.   Desirable : Knowledge of Computer Applications. Age Limit: Maximum age limit for Primary Teachers is 30 years, relaxable as per rules.

 Pay Scale

GroupPost CodesLevelPay in Pay Matrix
Group – APrincipal12Rs.78,800/- (78,800-2,09,200)
Group – BPGT8Rs.47600/- (47600–1,51,100)
TGT7Rs.44,900/- (44,900-1,42,400)
PRT6Rs.35400/- (35400-1,12,400)

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