Delhi Higher Judicial service Examination 2024-The exam will be conducted on February 2. The application opened on 27 December and closed on 10 January. There are 16 vacancies to be filled by this recruitment process. This is a preliminary exam that will be conducted. Candidates will be selected based on the following stages. There is a negative marking and for wrong answer 25 percent marks will be deducted.
Exam Date 2 February 2025
Preliminary-150 Marks
Main Exam has four paper
Paper I 150 Marks
Paper II 200 Marks
Paper III 200 Marks
Paper IV 200 Marks
Viva Voca-250 Marks
Admit Card
Admit card will be released online only no admit card will be sent to candidates you will be to download it from or
Candidate must be citizen of India
Candidate is practising as an advocate for the last 7 years as on 10 January 2025 till receipt of the application
He/she should be 35 years of age and have not attained the 45 years of age
Delhi Higher Judicial service Examination 2024
Application fee
Rs.2000 for General category candidates
Rs.500 for SC/ST/PWD candidates
Quaifying marks for Reserved Category
Preliminary Examination 45% Marks
Mains Examination (Written) 40% Marks in each Paper and 45% Marks in aggregate
Viva-voce 45% Marks
General Category-50 percent marks in prelims
Preliminary Exam
The Preliminary Examination will be a screening test of qualifying nature and will consist of one paper of multiple choice based objective type questions carrying a maximum of 150 marks. There shall be 150 questions with each question carrying one mark with 25% negative marking for each wrong answer. The duration of the Examination shall be 2 hours.
Main Exam
Viva Voca