IGNOU ODL Admission Status 2024. The registration fresh admission in ODL and Distance learning course is extended till September 20 2024. The application form is open for various courses through Open Distance Mode. Candidates interested in applying for any of the courses can apply by July 15 2024.
IGNOU is offering certificate, diploma, Degree and Post Graduate Diploma Programmes. The programmes and their duration is mentioned below-:
IGNOU ODL Admission Status 2024 Programme List
Course Name | Duration | Course Name | Duration |
Advanced certificate in Information Certificate | 6 Month | B.Com (Accountancy & Finance) | 3 Years |
Advance Certificate in Power Distribution | 6 Month | BCA | 3 Years |
Appreciation Course on Environment | 3 Months | Bachelor of Library & Information Service | 1 year |
Appreciation Course on Population & Sustainable Development | 3 Months | BSc (Hons) Anthropology | 3 Years |
Certificate in Anti-Human Trafficking | 2.4 Months | Certificate course in Russian Language | 6 Months |
BA (Hons) Economics) | 3 Years | Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking | 6 Months |
BA (Hons) English | 3 Years | Certificate in BEE Keeping | 6 Months |
BA (Hons) Hindi | 3 Years | Certificate in Business Skill | 6 Months |
BA(Hons) History | 3 Years | Certificate in communication & IT Skilss | 6 Months |
BA (Hons) Public Administration | 3 Years | Certificate in Community Radio | 6 Months |
BA(Hons) Political Science | 3 Years | Certificate in consumer Protection | 6 Months |
BA Applied Hindi | 3 Years | Certificate in Disaster Management | 6 Months |
BA Applied Sanskrit | 3 Years | Certificate in Energy Technology & Management | 6 Months |
BA(Applied urdu) | 3 Years | Certificate In Enviromental Studies | 6 Months |
BA (Gender Studies) | 3 Years | Certificate in Fashion Design | 6 Months |
BA(Hons) Psychology | 3 Years | Certificate in First Aid | 6 Months |
BA(Hons) Sanskrit | 3 Years | Certificate in Food & Nutrition | 6 Months |
BA(hons) Sociology | 3 Years | Certificate in French | 6 Months |
BA(Hons) Urdu | 3 Years | Certificate in Functional English | 6 Months |
BBA | 3 Years | Certificate in German | 6 Months |
BBA Retailing | 3 Years | Certificate in Guidance | 6 Months |
BBA Service Management | 3 Years | Certificate in Health Care Waste Management | 6 Months |
Certificate in Home Based health care | 6 Month | Certificate in Human Rights | 6 Months |
Certificate in IT | 6 Month | Certificate in International Humanitarian Law | 6 Months |
Certificate in Japanese language | 6 Month | Certificate in Korean Language & Culture | 6 Months |
Certification in Library & Information Science | 6 Month | Certificate in maternal & Child healthcare Nursing | 6 Months |
Certificate in Mobile application Development | 6 Month | Certificate in Nutrition & Child Care | 6 Months |
Certificate in Organic Farming | 6 Month | Certificate in Performing Arts-hindustani music | 6 Months |
Certificate in Performing Arts Bharatnatayam | 6 Month | Certificate in Performing Arts-Karnatic music | 6 Months |
Certificate in Persian Language | 6 Month | Certificate in Poultary Farming | 6 Months |
Certificate in Rural Development | 6 Month | Certificate in Sericulture | 6 Months |
Certificate in Solid waste Management | 6 Month | Certificate in solid waste Treatment Technique | 6 Months |
Certificate in Spanish Language & Cu;ture | 6 Month | Certificate of Teaching of English as a Second Language | 6 Months |
Certificate in Teaching of primary School Maths | 6 Month | Certificate in Tourism Studies | 6 Months |
Certificate in Tribals Studies | 6 Month | Certificate in Urdu Language | 6 Months |
Certificate in Tourism Studies | 6 Month | Certificate in Visual Arts Painting | 6 Months |
Certificate in Visual Arts-Applied Arts | 6 Month | Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management | 6 Months |
Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution(Electrical Technician) | 6 Month | Certificate Prog. On life & Thought of BR Ambedkar | 6 Months |
Certificate Programme in New Born | 6 Month | Certificate in NGO Management | 6 Months |
Certificate in Laboratory Techniques | 6 Month | Certificate prog.in Value Education | 6 Months |
Certificate programme in Yoga | 6 Month | Certificate in Adolescent health & Counselling | 6 Months |
Certificate in Apparel Merchandising | 6 Month | Certificate in Arabic | 6 Months |
Certificate in Cooperative Law & Business law | 6 Month | Certificate in Communicative Sanskrit | 6 Months |
Certificate in Community health | 6 Month | Certificate in Condition monitoring | 6 Months |
Certificate in Food & Beverage Service operation) | 6 Month | Certificate in Front Office operation | 6 Months |
Certificate in Gender in Law | 6 Month | Certificate in Gender Science | 6 Months |
Certificate in Gender,Agriculture & Sustainable Development | 6 Month | Certificate in Hiv & Family Education | 6 Months |
Certificate in housekeeping operations) | 6 Month | Certificate in peace keeping & Conflict management | 6 Months |
Certificate in Smart City management & Development | 6 Month | Certificate in Social Work & Criminal justice system | 6 Months |
Certificate in Theatre Arts | 6 Month | Certificate in Vedic Ganit | 6 Months |
Coursewise Registration & Certificate Scheme | 6 Month | Diploma in Agriculture | 1 year |
Diploma in business process outsourcing-Finance & Accountancy) | 1 year | Diploma in Creative Writing in English | 1 year |
Diploma in Critical Care nursing | 1 year | Diploma in Dairy Technology | 1 year |
Diploma in Early Childhood care & Education | 1 year | Dploma in Event Management | 1 year |
Diploma in HIV & Family Education | 1 year | Diploma in Horticulture | 1 year |
Diploma in Meat Technology | 1 year | Diploma in Modern office Practice | 1 year |
Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education | 1 year | Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration & Development | 1 year |
Diploma in Paralegal Practice | 1 year | Diploma in Smart City Development & management | 1 year |
Diploma in Teaching in German as a ForeingLanguage | 1 year | Diploma in Theatre Arts | 1 year |
Diploma in tourism Studies | 1 year | Diploma in Urdu Language | 1 year |
Diploma in Value Education | 1 year | Diploma in Watershed Management | 1 year |
Diploma in women’s empowerment & Development | 1 year | Diploma Programme in Value Added Products from Fruit & Veg | 1 year |
Diploma in Apparel Merchandising | 1 year | Diploma Retailing | 1 year |
MSc Mathematics with application in computer Science | 2 year | MA Adult Education | 2 Year |
MA Anthrology | 2 year | MA(CSR) | 2 Year |
MA Development Studies | 2 year | MA Distance Education | 2 Year |
MA English | 2 year | MA Gandhi & Peace Studies) | 2 Year |
MA Gender & Development Studies | 2 year | MA Hindi | 2 Year |
MA Journalism & Mass Communication | 2 year | MA Philosophy | 2 Year |
MA Political Science | 2 year | MA Psychology | 2 Year |
MA Public Administration | 2 year | MA Rural Development | 2 Year |
MA Sociology | 2 year | MA Translation Studies | 2 Year |
MA Arabic | 2 year | MA Development Journalism | 2 Year |
MA Economics | 2 year | MA Education | 2 Year |
MA Entrepreneurship | 2 year | MA Environmental Studies | 2 Year |
MA Folklore and Cultural Studies | 2 year | MA French | 2 Year |
MA Hindi Vyavasik Lekhan | 2 year | MA Hindu Studies | 2 Year |
MA Journalism and Digital Media | 2 year | MA History | 2 Year |
MA Journalism and Electronic Media | 2 year | MA Journalism & Mass Communication Tamil | 2 Year |
MA Jyotish | 2 year | MA Migration & Diaspora | 2 Year |
MA Russia | 2 year | MA Sanskrit | 2 Year |
MA Sustainability Science | 2 year | MA Urban Studies | 2 Year |
MBA | 2 year | MBA Financial Management | 2 Year |
MBA HRM | 2 year | MBA Marketing Mgmt | 2 Year |
Master of Commerce | 2 year | MCA | 2 Year |
Master of Library and Information Science | 1 year | MSc Analytical Chemistry | 2 Year |
MSc Applied Statistics | 2 year | MSc Biochemistry | 2 Year |
MSc Chemistry | 2 year | MSc Environmental Science | 2 Year |
MSc Food Safety & Quality Management | 2 year | MSc Geography | 2 Year |
MSc Geoinformatics | 2 year | MSc Information Security | 2 Year |
MSc Physics | 2 year | MSc Renewable Energy & Environment) | 2 Year |
MSc Zoology | 2 year | Master of Social work | 2 Year |
Master of Social Work(counselling) | 2 year | PG Certificate in Adult Education | 6 Months |
PG Certificate in Bangla Hindi Translation Programme | 2 year | PG in Cyber Law | 6 Months |
PG certificate in Gandhi & Peace Studies | 1 year | PG Diploma in Information Information Security | 1 year |
PG Certificate in Agriculture Policy | 6 Month | PG Certificate in Climate Change | 6 Months |
PG Certificate in Geoinformatics | 6 Month | PG Certificate in Industrial Safety | 6 Months |
PG Certificate Information & Assistive Technologies for instruction of Visually Impaired | 6 Month | PG Inventory Planning & Warehousing system for Engineer | 6 Months |
PG Certificate in Malayalam Hindi Translation | 6 Month | PG Diploma in Folklore & Cultural Studies | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Adult Education | 1 year | PG Diploma in Animal Welfare | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Applied Statistics | 1 year | PG Diploma in Audio Prog Production | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Book Publishing | 1 year | PG Diploma CSR | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Developmental Studies | 1 year | PG Diploma in Disaster Mgmt | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Education Technology | 1 year | PG Diploma in Environmental & Sustainable Development | 1 year |
PG diploma in Higher Education | 1 year | PG Diploma in IPR | 1 year |
PG Diploma in International Business Operation | 1 year | PG Diploma in Library Automation & Networkinjg | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Mental health | 1 year | PG Diploma in Pharmaceutical sales Management | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Pre-Primary Education | 1 year | PG Diploma in Rural Management | 1 year |
PG Diploma in School Leadership & Management | 1 year | PG Diploma Sustainability Science | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Novel | 1 year | PG Diploma in Translation | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Urban Planning & Development | 1 year | PG Diploma in Early Childhood & Foundational Stage Education | 1 year |
PG diploma in Advtg & Integrated Communication | 1 year | PG diploma in Agribusiness | 1 year |
PG Diploma in American Literature | 1 year | PG Diploma in British Literature | 1 year |
PG Diploma in computer Application | 1 year | PG Diploma in Criminal justice | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Electronic Media | 1 year | PG Diploma in Environmental Management & Law | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Environmental Studies | 1 year | PG Diploma Financial Management | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Management | 1 year | PG Diploma Hotel Operation | 1 year |
PG Diploma HRM | 1 year | PG Diploma Industrial Safety | 1 year |
PG Diploma Journalism & Mass Communication Tamil | 1 year | PG Diploma in Marketing Mgmt | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Migration & Diaspora | 1 year | PG Diploma New Literature & English | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Operation Management | 1 year | PG Diploma Population & Family Health Studies | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Sanskrit Sahitiye Mein Vigyan | 1 year | PG Diploma Service Management | 1 year |
PG Diploma Sindhi Hindi Sindhi Translation | 1 year | PG Diploma social work counselling | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Vastusashtra | 1 year | PG Diploma in Women & Gender Studies | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Writing from India | 1 year | PG Diploma Writing from Margin | 1 year |
PG Diploma in Education Management & Administration | 1 year | Certificate in Kaal Ganana me Praman Patra | 6 Months |