
IGNOU PG programme

ignou pg programme

IGNOU PG Programme. The IGNOU the largest University in the world offers PG courses in various fields. The basic qualification for pursuing post-graduation is a UG Degree. There are some 75 courses that this University offers.

Pursuing PG courses from IGNOU has several advantages. One of the biggest advantages is the flexibility that the institution offers. IGNOU provides a distance learning program, which means students can study from the comfort of their own homes, at their own pace, and on their own schedule. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for working professionals, individuals with family responsibilities, and those who live in remote or rural areas. Additionally, the cost of pursuing a PG course from IGNOU is significantly lower than that of traditional universities, making it accessible to a wider range of students.

Apart from the flexibility and cost-effectiveness, pursuing PG courses from IGNOU also provides opportunities for personal and professional growth. The courses are designed to provide students with practical knowledge and skills that are relevant to their chosen fields. The university also offers various support services, including academic counseling, online resources, and a robust alumni network, which can help students to achieve their career goals. Furthermore, the courses offered by IGNOU are recognized by various government and private organizations, making them valuable assets in the job market.

Science Courses

M.Sc. (Applied Statistics)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 30,800

Course Code-MSCAST


You are Graduate with B.A./B.Sc. degree with Statistics/Mathematics as one of the subjects from any recognised University/Institution/Organisation.

Medium of Instruction: English only.

Exit Option: After successfully completing the first two semesters, a learner will be awarded Post-Graduate Diploma in Statistics and Applications (PGDSA).

The course is the right fit for the following people

  • Working professionals in data science departments, management departments, software industries, pharmaceutical industries, national laboratories, R&D organisations, academic institutions/colleges/universities, agricultural fields, etc.;
  • College/university teachers either teaching or interested in teaching statistics courses;
  • Working professionals possessing basic or no exposure to applied statistics but are interested in initiating and developing skills in this field; and
  • Graduates with statistics/mathematics interested in acquiring theoretical understanding and developing practical skills in the aspects of data analysis

Programme Structure and Details

Applied Statistics is a two-year Master’s degree programme, which is offered in both January and July cycles of admission. The programme has been divided into two semesters per year (July to December and January to June). This programme comprises 16 core and compulsory theory courses worth a total of 54 credits and 5 core and compulsory lab courses worth 18 credits. There is one project/dissertation worth 8 credits and 2 theory courses worth 4 credits each which can be taken together instead of a project /dissertation. To successfully complete this programme, you will have to earn 80 credits over a period of 2 to 4 years depending on your convenience. The theory courses are designed to provide the basic knowledge and techniques of statistics, which are necessary for applications in various areas.

These theory courses will help you in studying the lab courses well. The lab courses have been designed in this programme separately and each semester has one lab course which has been developed based on the theory courses of that semester. After successfully completing the first two semesters, you will be awarded the PG Diploma in Statistics and Applications.

 Master of Science (Food and Nutrition)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs.33,000

Course Code-MSCDFSM


Candidate should have B.Sc Home Science with specialization in Food and Nutrition, Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition
PG Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition or its equivalent
Graduate (B.Sc. Hons.) or equivalent (MBBS, BHS etc.) from any of the following backgrounds: Home Science/ Food Science and Technology, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical along with the DNHE or CNCC or CFN offered by IGNOU. (Simultaneous admission for CFN/CNCC also permitted)

MSc (DFSM) is a multimedia package, which includes print material and audio-visual material. The programme is multidisciplinary in nature. It draws knowledge from disciplines such as Biochemistry, Physiology, Microbiology, Sociology, Biostatistics, Food Science, Management, etc. In view of the above objectives and the nature of the programme, the courses so designed will help the learners:

Master of Science (Renewable Energy and Environment)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 24,400

Course Code-MSCRWEE


B.Sc./BE/ BTech

Medium of Instruction: English

Study Material: Study Material only in Digital Form

Fee Structure: Rs.24400/-

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy and Environment program provides in-depth knowledge of all major renewable energy sources along with the conversion process and their applications. It gives the opportunity to specialize in various areas.

The focus of the course is to equip the learners with technologies, economics and policy involving energy systems and supply with Renewable Energy sources. Candidates will be offered detailed expertise in Solar Energy Systems involving photovoltaic as well as Thermal Energy Systems, Wind Energy, Biomass, Geothermal, Tidal and Wave energy, Hydrogen & Fuel cells etc along with the energy conversion and conservation techniques.

Master of Science (Environmental Science)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 15,000

Course code-MSCENV


Graduation in Science from a recognized University

Master of Science (Environmental Science) Programme main aim is at generating skilled man power to tackle the growing environmental and developmental problems and changes arising from the transition to a sustainable society.

This programme will give an insight into the socio-economic causes and the characteristics of pollution and degradation of the natural environment, including the effects on human beings, the atmosphere, ecosystem and the other organisms.

This programme provides learners with the necessary means to develop the capacity to carry out independent assessments on environmental issues. In addition, learners will be well equipped to analyze and assess environmental systems and problems; be able to propose sustainable solutions to environmental problems; and contribute to the development of policies and strategies for environmental planning.

Being an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, environmental Science includes specializations with multidisciplinary scope in which the students will learn to address the challenges of maintenance of environmental integrity for sustainable development in relation to human activities.

 MSc (Mathematics with Applications in Computer Science)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 26,400

Course Code-MACS



Graduation from a recognised University/Institution with a Major, or Honours in Mathematics with at least fifty percent marks in aggregrate.

There is a provision also if the seats at the centre remain vacant then:

Graduates with BA./BSc degree with Mathematics as one of the three main subjects with equal weightage, securing at least 50 per cent marks in aggregate and 55 per cent in Mathematics will be considered.

This unique programme emphasises on the courses which have vast potential for applications in the area of computer sciences.

It offers an exciting opportunity to those interested in Mathematics and wish to understand how Mathematics can be put to practical use. It discusses modelling and solving of real world problems in the context of computer applications.

The first semester is from January to June and the second semester is from July to December of each year.

 MSc in Life Science

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 5,000

Course Code-MScLS


 i) BSc (3 years) Degree after 10+2 with Major/Honours in Life Sciences and any other related life science discipline/Biosciences/Botany/ Zoology


Candidate is BSc General/Pass degree with Life sciences/Biosciences with Botany and Zoology (equal weightage)as two of the three main Subjects.

ii) At least 50 per cent marks in aggregate or an equivalent grade for General candidates and 45% marks for SC/ST candidates.

It’s a regular on campus programme. The classroom teaching is done by IGNOU faculty and eminent experts invited from different institutions who are especially involved in this programme.

Theory classes as well as the practicals are held in School of Sciences, at IGNOU Headquarter, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi

Evaluation Methodology: Theory courses 30 per cent continuous assessment & 70% Term End Examination: Lab Courses 70 per cent continuous assessment & 30 per cent Term-End Examination

Master of Science (Physics)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 28,000

Course Code-MSCPH


• Graduates with Major/Honours in Physics
• Graduates with a B.Sc. Degree (including IGNOU B.Sc. Programme under CBCS) with Physics and Mathematics
• Graduates with a B.Sc. Degree of IGNOU or any recognized Open University with a minimum of 32 Credits of Physics, and Mathematics as one of the subjects

Medium of Instruction: English

Programme Coordinators:

Dr. Subhalakshmi Lamba and Dr. M Boazbou Newmai


Ph. No.: 011-29572814, 011-29572839

School of Sciences, IGNOU

This programme and its courses are meticulously designed to enable you to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental concepts in core areas of mathematical methods, classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, and statistical mechanics as well as electronics, condensed matter physics, atomic & molecular physics, optics, and nuclear & particle physics. We will also provide adequate training in analytical skills as well as hands-on laboratory experience with experiments both in general physics and electronics. The course in computational physics will give you good exposure to important numerical methods and their implementations which will enable you to carry out computer-aided investigations in the physical sciences. The special elective courses in Nanoscience, Material Science, and Reactor Physics are designed to acquaint you with current developments in these exciting areas of physics research and also introduce you to the interdisciplinary nature of science in modern times and the vast scope of its applications.

M.Sc. Geoinformatics

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.31,400

Course Code-MSCGI


Graduation in Science/ Engineering/ Architecture/ Planning/ Computer Application/ Information Technology from a recognised University OR Masters in Geography from a recognised University

Target Groups:

  • Defence and law enforcement personnel
  • School and college/university teachers either teaching or interested in teaching geoinformation science related courses
  • Working professionals possessing little or no exposure to geoinformatics but are interested in initiating and developing skills in this field, and
  • Graduates from various academic backgrounds are interested in acquiring basic theoretical understanding and developing practical skills in the aspects of data handling and processing to use the data in application areas of their interests.

Entry/Exit Options:

(i) Learners exiting after successfully completing first semester courses (20 credits) of the programme may opt to receive a Post-Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics.
(ii) Learners exiting after successfully completing first two semester’s courses (40 credits) of the programme may opt to receive Post-Graduate Diploma in Geoinformatics.
(iii) The existing PG Diploma in Geoinformatics (PGDGI) programme will also be on offer as a stand-alone programme.
(iv) Candidates having PG Diploma in Geo-iformatics (PGDGI) from IGNOU or similar qualification from elsewhere may take lateral entry into the second year of the MSCGI programme subject to fulfilling requirements w.r.t. eligibility criteria, credits and contents.

Master of Computer Application

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 48,000

Course Code-MCA


Passed BCA/B.Sc (Computer Science/IT)/Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and Engineering or Equivalent with at least 50% marks in the Bachelor’s degree (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category)


Any Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 (three) years duration from a recognized University with

Percentage- At least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) and Mathematics as one of the subject at 10+2 level or graduation level.

In addition, these students are required to register and successfully complete two bridge courses, namely, MCS-201 (Programming in C and Python) & MCS-208 (Data Structures and Algorithm) of IGNOU along with Master of Computer Applicants (MCA) programme.

The Programme’s thrust is on giving the students a thorough and sound background in theoretical and application-oriented courses relevant to the latest computer applications. The programme emphasizes the application of software technology to solve mathematical, computing, communications/networking and commercial problems.


The MBA (Banking & Finance) (MBF)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course Code-MBF

Eligibility-Passed Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).

Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. These courses comprise of:

a)      Twenty (20) Core courses (from MMPC-001 to MMPC-020) of 4 Credit each = 80 Credits.

b)      Seven (07) Courses from any one of the chosen specialization area of 4 credits each = 28 Credits.

c)      One (01) Project course MMPP-001 of 8 credits. MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses.

d)      Students need to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme. 

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course Code-MBA


 The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be according to the AICTE norms viz.

1. A Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).

2.  No age Limit

Started its operation in 1987, the School of Management Studies today offers a wide range of courses. 

The MBA Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits

 Master of Business Administration (Financial Management)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course Code-MBAFM


The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be as per the AICTE norms viz.
1. Passed Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
2. No age bar

The MBAFM Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. They are as follows:

a) Nineteen (19) Core courses of 4 Credit each = 76 Credits.
b) Eight (08) courses from the chosen specialisation area 4 credits each =32 credits
c) One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)= 8 credits

• Students are required to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme.
• 1st and 2nd semester (All Courses are compulsory)
• In the 3rd semester MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 (three courses) are compulsory and Student need to select four (04) courses from available specialisation courses.
• In the fourth semester there are three compulsory courses and students needed to choose four
(04) more specialization courses.
• Student is required to select a total of 8 courses in his chosen specialisation only in order to get his MBA degree in that specialisation.
• MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses. However, for registration purposes MMPP-001(project course) is treated as one course.

 Master of Business Administration (Human Resources Management)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course code-MBAHM


The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be as according to the AICTE norms viz.
1. A  Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
2. No age limit

The MBAHM Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. They are as follows:
a) Nineteen (19) Core courses of 4 Credit each = 76 Credits.
b) Eight (08) courses from the chosen specialisation area 4 credits each =32 credits
c) One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)= 8 credits

• Students have to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme.
• The 1st and 2nd semester (All Courses are compulsory)
• In 3rd semester MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 (three courses) are compulsory and Student need to select four (04) courses from available specialisation courses.
• In the fourth semester there are three compulsory courses and students needed to choose four
(04) more specialization courses.
• Student need to select a total of 8 courses in his chosen specialisation only in order to get his MBA degree in that specialisation.
• MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses. However, for registration purposes MMPP-001(project course) is treated as one course.

Master of Business Administration (Marketing Management)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course Code-MBAMM


The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be as per the AICTE norms viz.
1. A Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
2. No age limit

MBA-MM Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. They are as follows:
a) Nineteen (19) Core courses of 4 Credit each = 76 Credits.
b) Eight (08) courses from the chosen specialisation area 4 credits each =32 credits
c) One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)= 8 credits

• Students have to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme.
• 1st and 2nd semester (All Courses are compulsory)
• In the 3rd semester MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 (three courses) are compulsory and Student need to select four (04) courses from available specialisation courses.
• In the fourth semester there are three compulsory courses and students needed to choose four
(04) more specialization courses.
• Students have to select a total of 8 courses in his chosen specialisation only in order to get his MBA degree in that specialisation.
• MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses. However, for registration purposes MMPP-001(project course) is treated as one course.

Master of Business Administration (Operations Management)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 62,000

Course Code-MBAOM


The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be as per the AICTE norms viz.
1) A Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
2) No age limit

The MBAOM Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. They are as follows:
a) Nineteen (19) Core courses of 4 Credit each = 76 Credits.
b) Eight (08) courses from the chosen specialisation area 4 credits each =32 credits
c) One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)= 8 credits

• Students have to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme.
• In the 1st and 2nd semester (All Courses are compulsory)
• In the 3rd semester MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 (three courses) are compulsory and Student need to select four (04) courses from available specialisation courses.
• In the fourth semester there are three compulsory courses and students needed to choose four
(04) more specialization courses.
• Student need to select a total of 8 courses in his chosen specialisation only in order to get his MBA degree in that specialisation.
• MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses. However, for registration purposes MMPP-001(project course) is treated as one course.

Master of Business Administration (Online)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.62,000

Course Code-MBAOL Online


The eligibility criteria for admission to MBA programme would be as per the AICTE norms viz.
1. A Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
2. No age bar

The MBA (Online) Programme consists of 28 courses with a total credit weightage of 116 credits in all. They are as follows:
a) Twenty (20) Core courses (from MMPC-001 to MMPC-020) = 80 credits
b) Seven (07) courses from any one of the chosen specialisation area= 28 credits
c) One (01) Project course (MMPP-001 equivalent to 2 courses)= 8 credits

• Students need to select 7 courses in each of the semesters during the programme.
• Students need to select only MMPC-001 to MMPC-007 (Seven courses) in the 1st semester (All Courses Compulsory) and need to select only MMPC-008 to MMPC-014 (Seven courses) in the 2nd semester (All Courses are compulsory).
• The School offers different areas of specialisation like; Human Resource management, Financial Management, Operations Management, Marketing Management, and Services management in this MBA (online) programme and the student can choose any one specialisation area in which S/he wants to have his MBA (online) degree.
• Student need to select MMPC-015, MMPC-0016 & MMPP-001 (three courses) and four
(04) courses from chosen specialisation in the 3rd semester.
• Student need to select MMPC-017 to MMPC-020 (four compulsory courses) and three (03) more courses from chosen specialisation in the 4th semester.
• Student need to select a total of 7 courses in his chosen specialisation only in order to get his MBA (online) degree in that specialisation.
• MMPP-001 (Project Course) is equivalent to two courses. The fee will be equivalent to two courses. However, for registration purposes MMPP-001(project course) is treated as one course.

Commerce Courses

Master of Commerce

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 11,000

Course code-MCOM


Candidate with Graduation in any discipline or equivalence from a recognised university are eligible for admission to the M.Com. Programme.

School of Management Studies, the biggest business school in Open Learning System in the world, has developed an innovative programme Master of Commerce (M.Com) with specialisation in International Business Operations. The main objective of this programme is to equip the students with necessary conceptual, entrepreneurial and analytical skills required for handling the Business Operation, particularly in International Business. The curriculum focusses on the applied aspects of Business Operations.

The salient features of this programme are as follows:

  • Focus on operational areas of Business Activities
  • Course designed and prepared by top-notch academia in the field of Commerce
  • Students centred multimedia learning materials
  • Strong students support services
  • Regular teleconferencing
  • Opportunity to interact with the leading experts through the teleconferencing

Master of Commerce in Business Policy and Corporate Governance

Duration: 2 years 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000


  • Graduates in any discipline or equivalence from a recognised university/ institute; and
  • Passed in Company Secretaryship Executive Programme.

Medium of Instructions: English

This Programme is designed and developed in collaboration with the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, exclusively for the Company Secretaryship professional programme students.

Students can simultaneously study this M.Com Programme along with the Company Secretaryship professional programme offered by ICSI. The main objective of this programme is to develop skills and competencies of the students in business policy and corporate governance.

 Master of Commerce in Finance & Taxation

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000

Course Code-Mcom (F&T)


  • Graduates in any discipline or equivalent from a recognised university are eligible for admission to the M Com Programme. 
  • The candidate who are admitted in the Chartered Accountancy Final Course. Candidates who have already completed Chartered Accountancy are also eligible to seek admission. 

Master of Commerce in Finance and Taxation (MCom F & T) is designed and developed in collaboration with The Board of Studies, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, exclusively, for the Chartered Accountancy Final Stage students.

Master of Commerce in Management Accounting & Financial Strategies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000

Course code-MCom MA & FS


  • Graduates in any discipline or equivalence from a recognised university/ institute and
  • Passed in ICWAI Intermediate Course

Medium of Instructions: English

Master of Commerce in Management Accounting & Financial strategies is designed and developed in collaboration with the Institute of cost and works Accountants of India, exclusively for the ICWAI students

Other Courses

Master of Arts (MA in Folklore and Culture Studies)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800

Course Code-MAFCS


Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized university

Folklore is one of the upcoming areas of research and pedagogy. The modular MAFCS Programme (the first year programme being PGDFCS: 32 credits) aims at creating a pool of specialized folklorists who can create a niche for themselves in fields of studis like teaching and research departments in colleges and universities, libraries, museums, archives, historical associations, culture councils, national centres of arts, publishing houses, funding agencies, and the central and state government institutions, Agriculture, Rural Sociology, Extension, Medicine and Nursing, Women’s Studies, African American Studies, Popular Culture, English and Foreign Language/Literature Departments as translators, interpreters, curators, musicologists, teachers, artists, performers, and many more. Film industry and TV channels also have a high demand for follklorists. Folk Entrepreneurs are coming up in a big way as job creators/providers, and this programme aims at creating self-reliant scholars of folklore.

Master of Arts (Economics)

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000

Course Code-MEC


Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised university

The programme includes themes in some of the emerging areas in economics such as insurance, finance and computer applications that are expected to be extremely useful in the present scenario of economic liberalisation and globalisation

 MA in Distance Education

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800

Course Code-MADE


Graduation in any discipline

 Master of Arts in Adult Education

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,400

Course Code-MAAE


A Graduation degree. To start with, not more than 100 students will be admitted/ allotted to each Programme Study Centre per year. If the number of applicants is more, the admission will be done based on merit in their Bachelor’s Degree. Other things being equal, those with higher qualification and/or those working in the field of adult education and related fields may be given preference over others

  • MAAE programme is meant for both in-service and pre-service graduates. To upgrade their knowledge and understanding of policies and programmes of adult, continuing and extension education, and development and welfare, among others.
  • To enhance their understanding and skills of documentation, management and dissemination of knowledge and information on various aspects and processes of adult education.

Master of Arts (English)

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 13,200

Course Code-MEG


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.

Course contents

Literary Theory & CriticismAspects of Language
British PoetryBritish Drama
 Indian English Literature
British NovelNew Literatures in English
Australian LiteratureA survey Course in 20th Century Canadian Literature
 Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
Writings From the MarginsIndian Folk Literature
American Literature,Poetry,Drama,Novel 

Master of Arts in English

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000

Course code-MEGOL


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University

Fees Structure for National Students

  • INR(Rs.): 6,000.00/- for Per Year

Fees Structure for International Students

  • For SAARC Students in INR(Rs.): 11,000.00/- Per Year
  • For NON SAARC Students in US($) 700.00/- for Per Year

Job/Future Prospects

  • Candidate can take up jobs in teaching, copyediting, creative writing, journalism, translation, book publishing, etc.

Master of Arts in Development Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 11,000

Course code-MADVS


Graduation in any discipline

Note: The course fee is 5500 for each year.

This programme is designed to impart quality education and training in the area of development studies. Proper planning and management of development programmes and projects hold the key for the planners and policy makers today. Therefore, this programme will be useful for the development professionals across the sectors and also to fresh graduates interested in pursuing carrier as development professionals i.e. it is for both in-service and pre-service persons.

Who Can Take Admission?

• Fresh graduates seeking career as development professionals.
• Development functionaries like village, mandal, block, municipal and district development officials.
• Civil servants of state and central Governments.
• Employees of the development institutes, research organizations, NGOs and corporate social responsibility divisions.

Master of Arts in Corporate Social Responsibility

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000

Course Code-MACSR


Graduation in any discipline

Advantage of this course is that the companies in India are governed by Clause 135 of the Companies Act 2013 to perform their CSR activities. The CSR rules have been applicable from fiscal year 2014-15. CSR is rapidly evolving as a new field of study. Large companies are now strategically engaging in development issues as a part of their CSR agenda. The process of responding to the CSR agenda within an organization will require specialists in the field. MACSR will cater to capacity building of this increased demand for trained CSR professionals.

Who Can Take Admission?

  • Senior, mid-level and entry level employees of companies undertaking CSR
  • Professionals working in development sector and NGOs implementing CSR activities
  • Development functionaries and civil servants of State and Central Governments
  • Faculty, researchers and students in universities, research organizations and colleges.
  • Graduates wanting to pursue a career in CSR

Master of Arts in Urban Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000
Course Code-MAUS



The figure says that globally it is projected that two-third of mankind will live in the urban areas by 2025. India is 2nd largest urban system in the world with more than 30 percent of urban population. It is expected that by 2025, half of the India’s population will be urbane.

Excessive urbanization has caused multiple problems such as transportation, poverty, unemployment, illegal housing complexes, slums and shantytowns. One estimate suggests that at least 33% of India’s urban population lives in slums, which has implications for development. Urbanization will therefore be an issue facing urban planners and policymakers in the coming years. Therefore, proper planning and management of urban development projects is crucial for planners and policy makers. The importance of urban issues has not yet been properly understood as urban development issues receive less attention in academic courses at postgraduate and graduate levels. MAUS is therefore useful both for those involved in urban development projects and for graduates who want to pursue a career in urban development.

Master of Arts in Sustainability Science

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 7,000

Course Code-MASS


Graduation (Any discipline)

Sustainability science is interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, focusing on the interactions between nature and society. Sustainability science is a global discipline considered one of the tools to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. In India, IGNOU is the first university in the country to introduce this emerging discipline in line with the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals. National Education Policy 2020. MASS focuses on the origins and principles of sustainable development, its tools, implementation and evaluation strategies as a whole. Fundamental knowledge of natural resource management, ecological economics, and global and local efforts to achieve sustainable development through good governance, law, and policy are integrated into an academic framework so that students can understand the tools and techniques for developing and implementing sustainable development projects.

**Lateral Entry for PGDSS students: For the lateral entry, the learners registered in PGDSS (both ODL and ONLINE) from July 2017 to Jan 2022, will have to complete the following three courses in place of MSDP 018: Project Work to complete the M.A. in Sustainability Science Programme.

Master of Arts in Environmental and Occupational Health

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 13,200

Course Code-MAEOH

Target Group Profile and Admission Criteria:

Eligibility-Applicants must possess graduation from any discipline and a strong inclination and desire to build a career in Environmental and Occupational health and should also have an interest in issues related to public health and the environment. The admission criteria will be followed as per IGNOU norms.

The course is best suited for-
• Professionals working in environmental and occupational sector and NGOs.

• Doctors, nurses, paramedical graduates & employees

• Employees from CPCB, Civil servants of State and Central Governments.

• Faculty, researchers and students in universities, research organizations and colleges.

• Graduates wanting to pursue a career in environmental management, occupational health & safety.

• Graduates wanting to pursue a career in industrial health & safety.

Environmental and Occupational Health focuses on the assessment of public health risks associated with biological, chemical, physical, biomechanical and psychosocial hazards in the natural and built environment. Environmental health experts are concerned about the impact of pollution on human health. The program addresses various concepts related to the general environment, workplace environment, associated hazards and health risk assessment by providing solutions to various aspects of workplace environmental health hazard management, epidemiology, health policy and health management and provides Environmental health promotion. Successful learners will be able to work with health practitioners, researchers and policy makers to develop, evaluate and monitor health policies, programs and practices relevant to healthy settings. The course is designed to provide an exit option to the PG Diploma upon completion of the 36-credit MSc in Environment and Occupations health programme.

Masters of Arts in Migration and Diaspora

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000

Course code-MAMIDI


Graduation (any discipline)

Develop professionals to engage in Migration Governance and Diaspora Engagement.

The programme is important for professionals working with:

·         National and State Governments

·         UN organizations

·         Diplomatic Missions and Ministry of External Affairs

·         Migrant and diaspora organizations

·         Recruitment Agencies

·         Civil Society Organisations

·         Legal institutions

·         Immigration Departments

·         Teaching and Research in Universities

·         Professionals dealing with sensitive issues such as Human trafficking etc.

·         International trade and commerce

The program contributes to better understanding of migration processes, role of diaspora in development, linkages between development and migration, policy information, planning and research, various regulations related to international migration, best practices in migration and diaspora ——Commitment and issues of human rights to immigrate to the community, etc 

Master of Arts in Gandhi and Peace Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course Code-MAGPS


Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised University. The programe offered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode throughout the country both in Hindi and English Medium.

Today, Gandhian studies are recognized worldwide as an important contribution to these goals. The MA in Gandhi and Peace Studies is a specialist area for those interested in understanding the evaluation and implementation of the Gandhian model of development and conflict resolution. The course will therefore incorporate Gandhi’s views and perspectives on economic, social, gender, political, environmental and sustainable development issues. It will also include criticism and evaluation of Gandhian concepts, their relevance in today’s world and the contribution of Gandhian scholars to the further development of Gandhian thought and progress. The main objective of the program is to introduce learners, especially the younger generation, to the thoughts and ideas of Gandhi and his place in today’s world


MA in Gender and Development Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800

Course code-MAGD


Graduation in any discipline.

Target Group  

The programme is likely to be of interest to academics and researchers; trainers, facilitators, supervisors; staff of organizations working in the area of gender and development; government personnel; personnel working in banks/ financial institutions/ Corporate sectors

The programmes seek to enable learners to: 

  • analyze extent of gender-sensitivity of development interventions;
  • conduct gender analysis;
  • critically analyze gender differentials in selected development sectors;
  • identify appropriate research designs and methodologies for a range of research problems;
  • suggest positive affirmative action in development planning and practice to promote gender equity and equality

Programme Cordinators

Prof. Savita Singh Email

Prof. Annu  J  Thomas  Email :

Master of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,400

Course Code-MAWGS


Students having a Bachelor’s degree

Women’s and Gender Studies is an emerging area of academic inquiry today. Worldwide, several universities are now offering programmes in women’s and Gender studies at all levels

Admission Cycle

Due to the progressive nature of the programme, students are required to complete core foundation courses to be offered sequentially in semester 1 and semester 2 before proceeding further. Admissions for all students will be done in the January and July cycle.

Target Groups

The programme is aimed at students with a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline wishing to pursue higher studies in the area of women’s and gender studies. Working professionals and adult  learners would also find the programme useful for knowledge enhancement and skill building in the area of women’s and gender studies, and for career advancement through acquired knowledge in these areas.

Career Opportunities

Students in Master’s degree will be able to pursue careers in the areas of higher studies, teaching and research programmes, advocacy through national and international non-profit organizations/ institutions, Government as well as nongovernmental organizations/institutions, international organizations and careers in teaching, writing, editing, mass media, or opt for other  appropriate career options. Many working adults also finds this programme valuable for professional and career enhancement. 

Programme Cordinator

Prof. Nilima Srivastava Email :

Master of Arts in Women’s and Gender Studies (Revised)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,400

Course code-MAWGSR


Under Graduate

Master of Arts (Hindi)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 13,200

Course Code-MHD


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.

Fee Structure: Rs.13,200/- for the full programme to be paid year wise Rs. 6,600/- Fee to be paid in the first year is Rs. 6800/- including a registration fee of Rs. 200.

This Programme exposes learners to a wide range of Hindi literature. It consists of courses worth 64 credits. The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of five years

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Master of Arts (History)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course code-

Course code-MAH


Bachelor’s Degree

MA Programme in History has been developed for the students to go for higher studies in History.

The Programme is of great use for the teachers working in schools, personnel working in various institutions associated with history and culture (museums, archives, archaeological survey etc.), working people in various organisations and all graduates who are desirous of acquiring a Masters Degree in History.

The Programme is available in English and Hindi and has 64 credits

Master of Arts (Sanskrit)

Minimum Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 13,200

Course Code-MSK


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.

Fee Structure: Rs.13,200/- for the full programme to be paid year wise Rs. 6,600/- Fee to be paid in the first year is Rs. 6800/- including a registration fee of Rs. 200.

This Programme exposes learners to a wide range of Sanskrit Language & literature. It consists of courses worth 64 credits. The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of four years.

Master of Arts (Urdu)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,600

Course code-MAUD


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.The candidate must know the reading and writing skills of Urdu script which is necessary. There would be no entrance exam.

Fee  Structure Rs:12,600/- for full programme to be paid @6,300/- per year. Fee to be paid in 1st year including registration fee of Rs.200/- is Rs.6,500/-

The learners  will be exposed to a wide range of Urdu Language and Literature. It would be helpful in developing a sound understanding of Urdu literature and also literature such as Arabic, Persian, English, Hindi and other literatures. A good knowledge of reading comprehension and writing skills in Urdu would be a pre-requisite for this programme. 

 Master of Arts (Jyotish)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,600

Course code-MAJY


Bachelor’s degree or a higher degree from a recognized university.

The aim of the Master’s program in Astrology is to educate students in the Indian Oriental sciences, from the knowledge of time to planetary movements, solar and lunar eclipses, to the relationship of practical human life to space events. Knowledge is guided by the faith of the saints of India. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide authentic and detailed knowledge about these facts. Students in this course also learn how to study astrology in a form of astrology called Vedanga. In addition to imparting expertise in the mathematical concepts, theories and results of ancient Indian astrology, students will gain comprehensive knowledge of astrology through the study materials in this course.

Master of Arts (Hindi Vyavsayik Lekhan)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000

Course Code-MAHV


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.

This Programme consists of courses worth 62 credits. The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of four years.

Master of Arts (Vedic Adhyayan)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000

Course code-MAVS


Bachelor’s Degreeor or Higher Degree in any discipline from a recognized University

Fee Structure Rs. 14,000/- full program fee, (Rs. 7000/- per year) with Registration fee as Applicable

MA Vedic Studies Programme has been started to acquaint every man of the society with different types of knowledge science written in Vedas. Vedas contain high-level knowledge of mathematics, science, metallurgy, agricultural science, social formula, philosophy of life, moral values, national defense, etc. Along with the Vedas, the study of the parts of the Vedas is very important. The parts of the Vedas are called Shastras. It is absolutely necessary for every section of the society to study the Syste of knowledge written in the scriptures. Through written material in simple Hindi language, anyone can study it and gain knowledge and can also move towards employment.

Programme Coordinator Dr. Devesh Kumar Mishra, Asso Prof (SOH) IGNOU, email: dkmishra

M.A. Hindu Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000

Course Code-MAHN


Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Degree in any discipline from a recognized University 

The M.A. Hindu Studies program is designed for the study of people across the country. Studying this course means not only studying the Vedas but also studying the religion. In addition to the ancient background of the Hindu imagination, the source of knowledge and science for the country of India and all the people living there are also included in this show. To prove the concept of Hinduism, topics like Gyan Mimamsa, Tatva Mimamsa, Dharma-Karma, artistic techniques, society, culture, etc. are taken seriously besides studying all the ancient Indian literary references. References to ancient Indian politics and administration, Srishti Vidya, Ayurveda, Yoga, Astronomy, Architecture, Natya, Kavya Vidya, Lok Vidya etc. are incorporated in various Vidya traditions in detail. All sectors of society will benefit from this, with a focus on employment in addition to gaining knowledge.

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 Master of Arts (Hindi) Online

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000

Course Code-MHD Online


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognised University.

This learners is exposed to a wide range of Hindi literature. It consists of courses worth 64 credits. The programme can be completed in a minimum period of two years and a maximum period of four years.

 Master of Arts (Sanskrit Online)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,000

Course Code-MAKOL


Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from a recognized University.

The programme main objective is  to reach students in all corners of the globe through its web-based study material, video lectures and live counselling. Students will benefit from studying a number of works in various genres from all over the world.

Job/Future Prospects:

a) After completion of M. A. Sanskrit Online Programme learners can qualify UGC-NET examination in Sanskrit. 

b) Learners may get a chance to get jobs in the teaching profession.

c) Learners also can do research in the field of Sanskrit and Indian knowledge systems.

Programme Coordinator:

Dr. Reeta Gupta

Assistant Professor of Sanskrit

School of Humanities, IGNOU,

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068

Email –

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Master of Arts in Environmental Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 12,000

Course Code-MAEVS


Graduation from a recognized University

The current degradation of natural ecosystems is manifested in environmental pollution, climate change, resource depletion, and biodiversity loss. In order to cope with the environmental challenges caused by human activities, it is urgent to build environmental research capacity. There is a need to develop a skilled workforce in areas such as climate change, pollution, waste management, health, biodiversity conservation, biological resource management, forest and wildlife conservation, and sustainable development. The plan is in line with the Lifestyles for the Environment (LIFE) concept introduced by the Prime Minister at the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow on 1 November 2021. MA (Environmental Studies) MAEVS is a step towards meaningful contribution towards the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020.

 Master of Arts (Philosophy)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course code-MAPY



Philosophy expands one’s vision of national integration, true appreciation of others, “worldview”, better understanding of different modes of thought, and peaceful coexistence. It has also become a means of social transformation to build a better country that ensures social equality, human dignity and the human rights of its citizens. The Master of Philosophy program consists of the following main components: 1) Compulsory subjects – 16 credits; 2) Elective subjects – 48 credits. Students can choose from 6 elective courses.

Journalism Courses

Master of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 25,000

Course code-MAJMC


The learners should have Bachelors Degree in any discipline. They should have access to computers, Internet and basic knowledge of word processing (for creating word documents and communicating through the Internet for sending and receiving mails, browsing sites etc.)

Medium of Instruction

The programme is initially offered in English medium. The material will be translated in Hindi and the programme will be later offered in Hindi medium also.

Programme Coordinator:

Dr. Shikha Rai (First Year, MAJMC)

Ms. Padmini Jain (Second Year, MAJMC)


Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068

011-29571608, (Dr. Shikha Rai)

011-29571607, (Ms. Padmini Jain)



M.A in Development Journalism

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.10,000

Course Code-MADJ


Bachelor’s degree in any subject

Development is humanity’s critical need for democracy at national and international levels so that planning, policy-making and research authorities can serve the SDGs.

India is at a critical juncture in the 21st century, and development communication will play a key role in resolving related issues and challenges. The essential purpose of development communication is to bridge all the gaps between the planning agencies and all other stakeholders in the development process with a focus on understanding the masses.

PGDDC helps you acquire academic knowledge and professional skills. You will develop an in-depth understanding of issues at the heart of the development process, which will help you find numerous employment opportunities with various local, national and international agencies.

This is a 72 credit programme. The programme consists of 10 theory courses + 1 elective theory course + 1 elective course (Dissertation/ Portfolio)

Programme Coordinator: Dr. Ramesh Yadav


Call at: 011-29571606 / Office No.: 011-29571601

M.A in Journalism and Digital Media

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.10,000

Course code-MAJDM


Bachelor’s degree in any subject.

The Master’s program in Journalism and Digital Media addresses the current information revolution and provides learners with educational opportunities for careers in digital media. The program aims to provide comprehensive digital media knowledge, a critical perspective on the emerging field of social media and insights into the Indian Internet experience, facilitate learners to acquire skills in online and digital production, and train learners to retrieve, analyze and interpret digital data . In addition to these skills and competencies related to digital media and journalism, the study of digital media and journalism will also be the focus of the course structure in the second year of the programme..

The MAJDM programme consists of 72 credits, which have been equally distributed in 14 courses – 12 theory courses, one practical and one project work.

Programme Coordinator:

Prof. K.S. Arul Selvan

Professor, SOJNMS,
IGNOU, New Delhi

Programme Coordinator 9319922711 / 011-29571605

MA in Journalism and Electronic Media

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 25,000

Course code-MAJEM


Bachelor’s degree in any subject.

The Master’s program in Journalism and Electronic Media (MAJEM) gives you a comprehensive understanding of all aspects related to journalism and electronic media. The course covers the fundamentals of mass communication, television and online journalism, audio programming for online platforms and radio broadcasts, audiovisual programming and communication studies, providing you with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities. It is also an opportunity for professionals to expand and update their knowledge and gain official qualifications. This is a 72-credit program. The program includes 11 theoretical courses, 3 practical courses and 2 project courses. working people and students of all disciplines 

Programme Coordinator: Dr. Amit Kumar
Contact No.: 011-29571601, 011-29571609

Master of Library and Information Science

Duration: 1 Year
Maximum Duration: 2 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 10,800

Course code-MLIS


  1. The programme is available to the candidates who have BLIS Degree or its equivalent from any recognised university and similar institutions.
  2. Weightage will be given to the candidates having working experience in libraries, information centre or other related organisations.

Information is a ubiquitous element in today’s society, and the development of information services will depend on future forms of information services, especially through the use of information and communication technologies. Towards this end, IGNOU launched the Masters Program in Library and Information Science (MLIS) in 1994. A revised version of the program was launched in July 2005. The acquisition, processing, organization and dissemination of information are its core components. Unlike MLIS courses at other universities, the MLIS program focuses on processing and accessing all forms of information rather than traditional library activities. The popularity of the course has led to its expansion to other countries such as Mauritius, Dubai, Kuwait and more.

Master of Arts (Drawing and Painting)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 16,500

Course code-MADP


Bachelor of Fine Arts / Visual Arts OR Bachelor degree in Design/ Fashion Technology / Textile / Animation OR Bachelor of Arts (Drawing and Painting) OR Bachelor Degree with Painting as one of the subject OR Any Bachelor Degree with at least 3/5/7 year diploma Painting/Applied Art/ Sculpture/ Design/Commercial Art.

Medium of Instruction:Hindi and English (*Self-learning Material: English)

The programme aims to provide education to the discerning students who do not have access to study Fine Arts through conventional system. Master of Arts in Drawing and Painting (MADP) programme has been designed for serious Fine Arts students to pursue higher education having pedagogy in theory, practice and researchin art through open and distance learning. The programme broadly covers core components like; elements and principles of art, Art history, Art education, Aesthetics theories and research methods; and develop awareness about appropriate art tools, material, techniques and methods to analyze and create their own art work. The programme provides opportunities to identify and develop their own style in chosen medium at an advanced level so as to become a professional Artist.

Who can be benefited by this programme (Target group): Employed, Self-employed, Free-lancers, Designers, Illustrators, Textile professionals, Interior decorators, School and College teachers, aspiring professionals, etc. in the field of Fine Arts who desires to upgrade their knowledge and skills in addition to acquiring a Postgraduate Degree, subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria

Delivery of the Programe: The Programme will be delivered through multi-mode like Web Enabled Academic Support (WEAS) and 15 days studio practice in each year at PSC – 07187P, SOPVA, IGNOU Headquarters, New Delhi only (Under Regional Centre Delhi 1).

Note: It is mandatory to provide own (active) E-Mail ID and mobile number to access academic support.

 Master of Arts (Political Science)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course code-MPS


Bachelors degree or a higher degree in any discipline from a recognised University

The aim of Masters Degree in Political Science is to provide the learners a sound base in political studies by an in-depth investigation into broad range of political phenomena at the national, regional and international levels.

The Programme provides option for specialising in Political Theories, Comparative Politics, International Relations and Indian Government and Politics. Learners would thus acquire skills in political analysis as well as sharpen their critical and analytical abilities

Master of Arts (Public Administration)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course Code-MPA


Bachelors degree or a higher degree from a recognised university.

aim of the Masters Degree in Public Administration is to provide comprehensive knowledge to the learners on the nature and relationship of the State, Society and Administration. It will develop the conceptual faculties of the learner on various administrative theories, postulates, models, process, methods, instruments, techniques, etc.

Master of Arts (Rural Development)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 13,600

Course Code-MA(RD)


Graduates from any discipline are eligible.

Medium:  English and Hindi

The syllabus of M.A. Programme in Rural Development is designed to include such diverse academic contents as are essential in the making of this discipline in the Indian Context. A critical component of this Programme is dissertation based on empirical research in rural areas. The Programme will be useful to personnel working in various Govt.

Departments/agencies, NGOs, Cooperatives, Banks and other institutions engaged in rural transformation. It will also be beneficial for fresh graduates interested in pursuing career in the discipline of rural development

Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 34,200

Course Code-MScCFT


Bachelor’s degree in any Discipline from a recognised University

Medium: English

The M.Sc. programme in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy is aimed at developing professionals in this vital field, which is gaining greater salience in the present times both from social and employment perspectives. The contemporary social scenario has resulted in an increased need and demand for professional support in terms of counselling and family therapy, which is being increasingly recognized as an effective approach both for promoting positives like strengthening family ties, fostering positive parenting, and increasing resilience of individuals in vulnerable situations as well as for addressing negative aspects such as socio-psychological problems, maladaptive behaviours, declining mental health, and psychosomatic disorders that are being increasingly witnessed in the present times.  However, though the need for counselling and family therapy professionals is being increasingly felt, there is a dearth of professional support and experts who could lend a helping hand in promoting positive family processes and help individual family members in distress in a comprehensive way. As a result, there is a tremendous felt need for education and training in this area. By developing the requisite knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy, this unique programme of study would help to train professional cadres in the field, equipping them for both wage-employment and self- employment, and thus fill the existing lacuna.

A remarkable feature of this programme of study is its focus on the applied aspect and the thrust on opportunities for hands-on experience for the learner. In fact, almost half the credits of this Master’s Degree Programme are ear-marked for application-oriented learning opportunities. In the second year of the programme, the learner has the option to be trained in Marital and Family Therapy and Counselling, Child and Adolescent Counselling and Family Therapy, or Substance Abuse Counselling and Family Therapy. Yet another special feature of the programme is that it has a provision of exit point for learners (after successful completion of the first year courses) in the form of P.G. Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (PGDCFT).

The programme has theory, supervised practicum, internship, and dissertation as components. The courses that comprise the Master’s programme, along with the credit weightage, are as follows:

Number of Courses:                            19
Total Number of Credits:                      64

Theory:                                                30 Credits
Practical:                                              34 Credits
First Year:                                             32 Credits
Second Year:                                        32 Credits

Facilitative Guidelines for Completing Practical Courses, Internship & Dissertation of MSCCFT & PGDCFT for December 2021 and June The M.Sc. programme in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy is aimed at developing professionals in this vital field, which is gaining greater salience in the present times both from social and employment perspectives. The contemporary social scenario has resulted in an increased need and demand for professional support in terms of counselling and family therapy, which is being increasingly recognized as an effective approach both for promoting positives like strengthening family ties, fostering positive parenting, and increasing resilience of individuals in vulnerable situations as well as for addressing negative aspects such as socio-psychological problems, maladaptive behaviours, declining mental health, and psychosomatic disorders that are being increasingly witnessed in the present times.  However, though the need for counselling and family therapy professionals is being increasingly felt, there is a dearth of professional support and experts who could lend a helping hand in promoting positive family processes and help individual family members in distress in a comprehensive way. As a result, there is a tremendous felt need for education and training in this area. By developing the requisite knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills in the area of Counselling and Family Therapy, this unique programme of study would help to train professional cadres in the field, equipping them for both wage-employment and self- employment, and thus fill the existing lacuna.

A remarkable feature of this programme of study is its focus on the applied aspect and the thrust on opportunities for hands-on experience for the learner. In fact, almost half the credits of this Master’s Degree Programme are ear-marked for application-oriented learning opportunities. In the second year of the programme, the learner has the option to be trained in Marital and Family Therapy and Counselling, Child and Adolescent Counselling and Family Therapy, or Substance Abuse Counselling and Family Therapy. Yet another special feature of the programme is that it has a provision of exit point for learners (after successful completion of the first year courses) in the form of P.G. Diploma in Counselling and Family Therapy (PGDCFT).

The programme has theory, supervised practicum, internship, and dissertation as components. The courses that comprise the Master’s programme, along with the credit weightage, are as follows:

Number of Courses:                            19
Total Number of Credits:                      64

Theory:                                                30 Credits
Practical:                                              34 Credits
First Year:                                             32 Credits
Second Year:                                        32 Credits

Facilitative Guidelines for Completing Practical Courses, Internship & Dissertation of MSCCFT & PGDCFT for December 2021 and June 2022 TEE

Master of Science in Geography

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 28,000

Course Code-MSCGG


Graduate in any stream from any recognised University/Institution/Organisation.

Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction is English. The course material is in English only.

Note: The Programme is on offer from July 2023 admission cycle onwards.


Teaching and Research, Cartography and Mapping, Urban and Regional Planning, Population and Demographic Studies, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Management and Sustainability, Tourism and Recreation Industries, Administration and Marketing, Disaster Management, Transportation and Logistics Industries, GIS and Remote Sensing/Geospatial Analysis

Programme Coordinators:

Dr. Satya Raj, Dr. K. Nageswara Rao and Dr. Vishal Warpa


Ph. 011-29571672, 011-29571680, 011- 29571674

MA in Psychology

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.18,600

Course code-MAPC


Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university

The main essence of psychology is individual differences and the factors like genetics and environment (including culture) that make individuals different. It also focuses on the behaviour of individuals in different social settings. One of the main aspects of psychology that makes it different from other social science subject is psychological measurement. Various standardized tests and scales are developed in Psychology that can be used to measure psychological entities. Such tests can be used to measure intelligence, personality, attitude, aptitude, adjustment, self concept and so on.

Offering psychology in distance mode is a challenge due to its applied nature. At IGNOU, the Discipline of Psychology strives to offer programmes in psychology that includes components like practicum, internship and project so that the learners benefit with hands on practice and experience enhanced learning.

 Masters in Anthropology

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.18,300

Course Code-MAAN


 Bachelors degree or a higher degree from a recognised university.

Anthropology is the study of human beings in time and space. The Masters in Anthropology (MAAN) programme is based on an integrated approach to the subject which incorporates insights from physical, social and archaeological anthropology. The programme attempts to provide an in-depth understanding which involves a holistic approach of Anthropology using theoretical and practical techniques.

Masters in Anthropology aims to develop professional competence among students in view of the perceivable need for trained anthropologists in academic and research institutes, NGOs, government organisations and applied sciences. It would also equip the learners to employ anthropological insights to understand and relate contemporary bio-social shifts.

For any queries contact Dr. P. Venkataramana (Programme Coordinator) at Ph No. 011 2957

Masters of Arts (History)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs.14,600

Course Code-MAHI


Graduate degree in any discipline

The Programme will equip students to be excellent researchers, teachers, writers, professionals and socially aware citizens. Divided into four semesters having total 80 credits one can do two years of masters after completing three years of bachelor’s degree. M. A. History programme is open to graduates from any discipline. Moving away from conventional way of teaching history in terms of period like ancient, medieval and modern, this programme is developed around themes like social, economic, political developments in Indian history since earliest times to post-independent India. This will help in understanding the process of continuity and change in a comparative perspective. Elective courses have been developed in diverse areas focusing on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. The programme is devised in such a manner that a learner will get opportunity to develop expertise in broad historical process of development and analytical aptitude

Master of Social Work

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs.32,400

Course code-MSW


Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University

Note: The University will keep changing the fee from time to time and one will have to find out the details from the Study Centre/Regional Centre.

Medium of Instructions: English and Hindi

Course Fee: Rs 32,400/- for full programme to be paid year wise @ Rs 16,200/- per year (Subject to change from time to time as per University norms)

The MSW (ODL) programme offers opportunity to learners for higher studies in professional social work. Besides offering the core courses pertaining to social work curriculum across the globe and India, it includes themes in some of the pertinent areas of social work such as globalization, migration, history of social work in India, theory paper on social work practicum and a course on HIV/AIDS which are expected to be highly useful in the present day context. The practical components have been meticulously prepared to provide the learners hands on training, which will enable the candidates to find suitable placements within and outside the country.

For those seeking admission with effect from January 2019 session, it may be noted that they will be offered the revised version of MSW Programme. The highlights of the revised version include Block Placement and Internship in practical component and emphasis on Social Work in African Context, Criminal Justice, Contemporary Methods and Values of Social Work and International Social Work. Accordingly, a student is expected to successfully complete 72 credits which include compulsory courses, elective courses as well as fieldwork. The details of which are given below.

Master of Social Work (Counselling)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 36,000

Course Code-MSWC


 Bachelor’s Degree or a higher degree from any recognised university.

This programme would provide both academic learning and professional education and training in counselling, extending beyond theoretical knowledge. This programme is tailored to suit counselors working in a wide range of organizational and community contexts as well as individuals in a family. With the fast-changing social scenario, the problems being faced by people across the board are numerous. Unlike in the western world, counselling services are very inadequate in India. There is a growing demand for counselors in schools, corporate sector, health care setting, social and welfare sectors, correctional settings etc. However, schools/universities where counselling course/programme are taught in India are very few. There is a good potential for employment in government as well as NGO sectors. There is an urgent need for specially trained counselors to handle the stress of employees working with call centres, corporate sectors, families, family courts, correctional settings, school, universities and educational institutions, rehabilitation centres, refugee camps, institutions for the differently abled, aged, child care and adoption centres, family planning, voluntary counselling and testing centres, rural sectors especially where farmers are driven to commit suicide, de-addiction centres etc.

Master of Arts (Sociology)

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 9,000

Course Code-MSO


Bachelors degree or a higher degree from a recognised university.

The Masters Programme in Sociology aims to impart in-depth sociological knowledge based on critical comprehension and analysis of social dynamics. In terms of content it focuses on the issues of development of the largest section of the population. Specifically this Programme reflects on:

MA in Distance Education

Graduates in any discipline may take admission into this 2 years programme OR those who have earlier completed PGDDE from IGNOU, may take lateral entry directly into the second year of MA (Distance Education). English

2 years

4 Years

Rs. 6,300/- per year Total = Rs. 12,600/-*

Master of Arts in Distance Education Online

Course Details are awaited

 Master of Tourism & Travel Management

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 4 Years
Course Fee: Rs. 14,200

Course Code-MTTM


Category 1: BTS; BA (Tourism); B.Sc. Hospitality and Hotel Administration (BHM); Bachelor’s in Hotel Management (approved by AICTE) and those students who have done their Graduation in any filed along with a Diploma in Tourism, which is recognized in the University system or by AICTE.

Total Programme Fee for Category I is Rs. 14,200 ( to be paid year wise @Rs. 7,100/- per year)

Category 2: Bachelor’s Degree in any field. However, all students of category 2 will have to pass four additional courses during their period of study.

Total Programme Fees for Category II is Rs. 17,200 (to be paid @Rs. 10,100/- for First Year and Rs. 7,100 for Second Year)

Medium of Instruction: English

It is a professional programme designed to cater to the needs of the tourism industry. It is useful for all those who are either employed or intend to make a career in tourism. All courses of this programme are of four (4) credits each and the dissertation is of eight (8) credits. The programme is of 68 credits.

MA in Translation Studies

Duration: 2 Years
Maximum Duration: 5 Years
Course Fee: Rs.10,800

Course Code-MATS


Graduate in any discipline with adequate knowledge of Hindi and English.

Note : The Programme is offered in Distance as well as Online Mode

Medium of Instruction: Hindi  

The MATS programme intends to familiarize the learners with the theory and practices of translation. It is built around the concept of integrating teaching, learning and research in the vast areas of translation practices in the contemporary time. The programme provides opportunity for translators to explore job opportunities as academics and translators by honing their translation skills. As a fundamental act of cultural and knowledge exchange, it has become a key issue for accessing and managing knowledge as its various aspects: Acquisition, Preservations, Creation, Dissemination and Application among others. It underscores the importance of Translation Training as vital for knowledge dissemination in the global world.  This programme consists of 12 courses and a major project comprising practical component. 

The programme is offered in both January and July cycle of admission from January 2015.

Programme Coordinators :

• Prof. Rajendra Prasad Pandey,School of Translation Studies & Training (SOTST), IGNOU, New Delhi – 110 068; e-mail: ; Phone:- 011-29571624,


• Prof. Jagdish Sharma, School of Translation Studies & Training (SOTST), IGNOU, New Delhi – 110 068, e-mail:; Phone:- 011-29571625.

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