YIP(Young Innovator Programme) K-DISC Kerala Young Innovator Programme – It is established by Kerala Development and Industry innovative council(DISC) The fifth edition of this programme concluded this year. Programme next edition date is yet be announced by the authority.
The prime objective of this programme is to enhance identified youth with design thinking,collaborative,creative problem solving and leadership skill. The programme empower and build youth through immersive programme to learn,empathize,accerlarate and disrupt.
The programme track these young innovator and link them to institutions,industries ,enterprises and prospective funding agencies.
These students are offered scholarship for one year for research institutions in related areas.
It builds a strong pool of mentors to identify,assess and track innovations as well as provide young innovators the academic,domain specific and psycho-social support through the process
Who can participate
Any student of any registered, recognized educational Institution in Kerala can apply/register for the program to have a chance to be part of YIP 2021.
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Screening & Selection Process
K-DISC will find the most suitable candidates for the program through a rigorous Screening & Selection process. The selection process is designed with enough rigor to look at the quality and merit of ideas submitted by the applicants. The programme shall be built to check for inquisitiveness, spirit of enquiry, grit and passion which are important pre-requisites for the applicant’s progress and success through the program.After final submission of their ideas on the digital platform, applicants will be individually and collectively contacted, and even observed closely during interactions, to understand the rationale for their choice of the problem, their rough approach for solving the problem and their passion for the cause.
K-DISC, and the participating Institutions, will encourage Team-Based/Group-based participation. YIP Applicants would be encouraged to form small groups or teams, of at least 2 (TWO) members and up to 5 (FIVE) members, with peers from the same Institution to enter the program.Multiple groups/teams would be permitted to enter the program, provided the Institutions they are registering from has also registered, and has not exceeded the maximum number of permitted groups.
For Group 1 Institutions, a maximum of 10 (TEN) groups/teams are permitted while for the Group 2 Institutions the permissible limit is 5(FIVE) groups/teams.K-DISC will also, in exceptional cases, allow individual participation based on the merit of the idea proposed by the applicant.
How to Register
Candidates can log on to the official website and register them
You have to create your username and password first by logging to the website