
UPSC Civil Services 2025: Do you know DANICs, IPOS, ICAS, and ICLS?

UPSC Civil Services 2023

UPSC Civil Services 2025 result is out. Around 1,000 candidates have been selected. Are they all selected for the IAS position? The answer is big no. UPSC conducts this exam for various post in India. The topmost is the IAS position.

We will discuss here the various positions that this exam is conducted and this position is allotted to the candidates according to their rank in the final result. The rank list is released by UPSC every year after the final interview.

Civil Services offered positions are listed below:


We are all aware of IAS,IFS (Indian Forest Service),IPS(Indian Police Service). Here we will discuss about the other position that are available through this exam.

(IA&AS) The Indian Audit and Accounts Service

It is one of the Group ‘A’ services. The officers from this cadre are absorbed in the top and middle-level management of Indian Audit and Accounts Department. Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) heads this department.


Indian Railway Management Service: Ensuring the safe and smooth operation of trains.

Major areas of work are mentioned below

  • Overseeing maintenance and infrastructure development.
  • Managing passenger services and facilities.
  • Implementing policies for the welfare of railway staff.
  • Handling financial and budgetary matters.
  • Coordinating with other departments for integrated functioning.
  • Conducting inspections and audits to maintain quality standards.
  • Planning and executing projects for network expansion and modernization.
  • Managing human resources and fostering a productive work environment.

IDES (Indian Defence Estate Service)

The Indian Defense Estates Service is one of the Group ‘A’ services. IDES stands for Indian Defence Estate Service. A cadre of IDES officers works for the Defense Estates Organization (DEO). This organization is responsible for managing the country’s cantonments and defense land. IDES officers are recruited through the Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC

UPSC Civil Services 2025


Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar,Lakshadweep,Daman and DIU,Dadar and Nagar Haveli(Civil Services). They adminter the civil administration of the UT segments. They are transferred from one UT to another UT. They are under the Ministry of Home Affairs and are governed by the rule of Deparment of personnel and Training.

IPOS officer

This post is in the post office. They perform various administrative functions at hierarchical levels of service. A candidate clearing the UPSC exam with IPoS as a preference is appointed as SSPO or SSRM and reaches the position of Director-General of Post Offices


The Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS) comes under Group ‘A’. This service is responsible for the accounting functions of the defence department. The Controller General of Defence Accounts is the head of the Defence Accounts Department.


The role of IRS C&IT (Customs and Indirect Tax) professionals encompasses a wide range of responsibilities related to tax collection and enforcement. Specifically, IRS C&IT officers are tasked with collecting indirect taxes such as customs duty, central excise duty, and service tax. Within the IRS framework, there are two categories of officers: IRS (C&CE) officers responsible for collecting indirect taxes and IRS (IT) officers responsible for collecting direct taxes.

The primary duties of IRS C&IT officers include: – Formulating and enforcing policies related to the Goods and Services Tax – Preventing smuggling activities – Administering tax regulations to ensure compliance – Collecting delinquent tax accounts and securing delinquent tax returns These responsibilities highlight the critical role that IRS C&IT professionals play in maintaining tax compliance and revenue collection within the government framework.


The Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS) is one of the ‘Group A’ services created in 1976 to provide accounting and auditing services to the Government of India. It functions through the Indian Civil Accounts Organisation under the Ministry of Finance.


The ICLS stands for Indian Company Law Service, it  was established in 1967 for the effective implementation and administration of the Companies Act. Originally, the service was named Company Law Service. In 2002, it was renamed as Indian Company Law Service. It was again renamed as Indian Corporate Law Service in 2008 when its recruitment was brought under the ambit of the UPSC CSE. Thus the first batch of officers recruited into the ICLS through the civil services exam was in 2009. Until 2004, the service functioned under the Ministry of Finance. Since then it has functioned under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

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