
CBSE students:Get ready for new exam pattern

CBSE students:Get ready for new exam pattern

CBSE students:Get ready for new exam pattern

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Students will see changes in the exam format in their class 11 and 12 from the academic year 2024-25.

This move gels with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020’s stress on assessing a deeper grasp of concepts and encouraging students to apply their knowledge in real-world situations.

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The motive of this new pattern is do away rote memorization and rote learning, which have been prevalent in traditional exams.  The idea is to assess a student’s ability to think critically, analyze information, and solve problems effectively.

It is expected that this will create a more well-rounded learning experience and better prepare students for higher education and future careers.

According to the official notice, the number of Competency Focused Questions, such as MCQs, Case Based Questions, and Source-based Integrated Questions, has gone up from 40 percent to 50 percent. Conversely, the proportion of Constructed response questions, like Short Answer Questions and Long Answer type Questions, has decreased from 40 percent to 30 percent. The percentage of select response type questions remains unchanged at 20 percent

We can say that this new exam format puts greater emphasis on competency-based questions. These questions will account for 50% of the total marks in the exams. Students ability will be tested to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios. These could be case studies, source-based integrated questions, or other formats that require students to analyze data, interpret information, and propose solutions.

CBSE students:Get ready for new exam pattern

MCQs will have a weightage of 20% in the exams. These questions test a student’s understanding of fundamental concepts and their ability to recall key facts.

Reduced Weightage for Constructed Response QuestionsThe percentage allocated to conventional constructed response questions, encompassing both short and long answer formats, has been decreased from 40% to 30%. Although these questions will continue to be included in the exams, their significance will be diminished compared to competency-based questions.

The CBSE’s recent initiative to overhaul the examination structure for students in Classes 11 and 12 represents a commendable step towards embracing a comprehensive educational framework. Although certain students may need a transitional period to adapt to the novel question styles and emphasize practical application, the enduring advantages of this transformation cannot be disputed. This reform will furnish students with the indispensable abilities of analytical reasoning and innovative problem-solving, which are essential for success in the modern era.

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