
engineer vacancy in the Indian Coast Guard

engineer vacancy in the Indian Coast Guard

Engineer Vacancy in the Indian Coast Guard-Engineer Vacancy in Indian Coast Guard for General Duty TECHNICAL (ENGINEERING & ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS) FOR 2025 BATCH. It is a group A Gazetted Post. There are five stage selection criteria. The first stage is to appear in the computer-based test.


Application opens15-Feb-24
Application submission’s Last Date28-Feb-24

Eligibility Criteria


21-25 Years as on 1 July 2024

General Duty (GD)MaleCandidates must hold a degree from a recognised university with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks.   (ii) Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to Intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after the diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in the diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum.
Technical(Mechanical)MaleCandidate must hold an Engineering degree from a recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognised by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from sections ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination (AMIE). Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after the diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in the diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum
Technical (Electrical/ ElectronicsMaleCandidate must hold an Engineering degree from a recognized university in Electrical or Electronics or Telecommunication or Instrumentation or Instrumentation and Control or Electronics and Communication or Power Engineering or Power Electronics with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks. OR Equivalent qualification in any of the above disciplines recognised by the Institutes of the Engineers (India) as exempted from sections ‘A’ and ‘B’ and their associate membership examination (AMIE). Mathematics and Physics as subjects up to intermediate or class XII of 10+2+3 scheme of education or equivalent with minimum 55% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Physics. The candidates who have completed graduation after the diploma, are also eligible, provided they should possess an aggregate of 55% marks in the diploma with physics and mathematics in its curriculum

engineer vacancy in the Indian Coast Guard

Selection Procedure

The selection will be done on All India order of merit on the performance of candidates in various stages as mentioned below-:

The stages are (I – V) of examination. All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to biometric, photo identification and document verification during various stages of examination.

Check the Engineering Graduate requirement at the Indian Army

Stage-I (CGCAT).

This is a computer-based online screening test known as CGCAT. The test will be conducted in designated centres located all over India. The test comprises 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQ) carrying four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark for each incorrect answer. The test duration will be two hours and the medium of the test paper will be English.

Stage-II {Preliminary Selection Board (PSB)

Candidates can go to this stage based on their performance in Stage I, candidates will be shortlisted for appearing in Stage II (PSB) which will be conducted for a day at Noida, Mumbai/Goa, Chennai and Kolkata centres. Candidates are to give their choice for the PSB centre when filling out the application form. Candidates will be screened through the Computerised Cognitive Battery Test (CCBT) and Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PP&DT).

The CCBT will be in English only and will be of objective type. During PP&DT the candidates are expected to speak and discuss in English. However, they are free to speak in Hindi if they wish to do so. The Stage II examination is only qualifying i.e. either Pass or Fail

Stage-III: Final Selection Board (FSB)

The candidates qualifying for Stage III will be intimated on completion of Stage III at respective centres. The schedule of Stage III will be intimated to the candidate on personal Login IDs. FSB is conducted at the Coast Guard Selection Board (CGSB) located in Noida and spans over five days.

The candidates are subjected to a Psychological Test, Group Task and Interview (Personality test). The Final Selection will be conducted tentatively during Jul – Oct 2024. All documents/certificates verified during PSB must also be produced in originals during FSB. A board conference is held on the last day and after that recommended candidates are sent for Stage IV i.e. initial/special medical examination.

Stage IV Medical Examination

Stage V Induction

Result Declaration.

Candidates will be able to see the result of each stage of the selection procedure from Stage I to Stage V. Candidates can access it by logging to the candidate’s account on the ICG website. The result of the online examination at Stage I will be announced tentatively within 30 days.

Details of the declaration of results are as follows:-

(a) The stage-I –I mark of candidates not shortlisted for stage II (PSB) will be declared before the commencement of stage II (PSB).

(b) The stage-II result of candidates not shortlisted for stage-III (FSB) will be declared before the commencement of stage-III (FSB).

(c) The marks of candidates not clearing stage III (FSB) will be declared on completion of all batches of FSB of the respective recruitment cycle prior commencement of induction of the respective batch at the Academy. No RTI queries for advance declaration of marks of candidates will be entertained during the selection period as mentioned above.

How to Apply

(a) Applications are acceptable only through ‘ONLINE’ mode from 15 Feb 2024 (1100 Hrs) to 28 Feb 2024 (1730 Hrs). The candidates are to log in to and follow the instructions for registering with their email ID/mobile number. The candidates are to ensure the validity of their e-mail and mobile numbers for at least up to 31 Dec 2024

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