
IIT Kanpur in First place in innovation

IIT Kanpur in First place in innovation category

IIT Kanpur in First place in innovation. IIT Kanpur tops the NIRF Innovation category 2023. NIRF under the Ministry of Education releases the Institute’s ranking list every year. The ranking is released for Engineering, Medical, Law, and in other domains.

NIRF Ranking 2023

This year NIRF came out with the Innovation category and IIT Kanpur tops this year’s category ahead of its many peers in the same category.


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Though in the overall ranking of 100 engineering institutes, IIT K is in fourth position.

IIT Kanpur in First place in innovation category. Some of the Innovation by IIT K are mentioned below


Evive offers a unique menu-based visual interface which removes the need to re-program the Arduino repeatedly. evive also offers the world of the Internet of Things with power supplies, and sensory and actuator support in one small portable unit. Equipped with accurate voltage & current sensing, plotting and data logging capabilities evive can double up as a mini Oscilloscope. evive can work with LabVIEW, MATLAB, ROS, Python etc. evive’s plug-and-play hardware interface allows learners to build a variety of interesting projects.

Super-ES series- Fabrication of Low-Cost Lab Electrospinning Machine (by Dr Sandip Patil, the founder of E-Spin Nanotech Pvt. Ltd.)

the entry-level electrospinning unit has been uniquely designed for ease of operations, scalability, modularity, flexibility and production of the highest quality nano-fibres. The modular design and its versatility are facilitated by various innovative components such as a controlled collector for the alignment of fibres, core-shell nozzles, a precisely controlled environment and multiple nozzles arrangement for bulk scale fibre production.

RiskEval – A comprehensive suite of ERM solutions (by Sanjeev Newar, the founder of Aarsh Management Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)

RiskEval is designed by Risk professionals and hence the controls and options are focused solely on proactive risk analytics. The suite is functionally enriched along with sound built-in security and safety features that take care of all risk analytics, regulatory requirements, risk-based audit trails, backups, and detailed user role management and confidentiality.

Intelligent LP Gas Detector (by Anand Shenoy, the founder of IAITO Infotech Pvt. Ltd.)

It is a safety product for LPG users. It can sense the LPG at different ppm levels and ring an alarm. Some of its salient features include:

  • Low and high pressure cut out.
  • Constant gas flow regulation and logger.
  • Constant temperature monitoring and logger.
  • Safety Standards & Safety Alerts.
  • Flow Rate Monitoring & Metering.
  • Eco-friendly and saves energy.
  • Discrete Modules Flexibility.
  • Easy integration with existing modules.

NIRF 2023 Innovation List

IIIT Design and Manufacturing KancheepuramTamilNadu
NIT CalicutKerala
Ranking Parameter
The first parameter is Teaching, Learning and Resources, which evaluates the quality of teaching, availability of resources, and the overall learning environment of the institution. This parameter holds a weightage of 0.30 in the overall ranking.
The second parameter is Research and Professional Practice, which assesses the research output and professional practices of the institution. This parameter holds a weightage of 0.30 in the overall ranking. The institutions are evaluated based on the number of research publications, patents filed, and collaborations with industry and other research institutions.

The third parameter is Graduation Outcomes, which evaluate the effectiveness of the core teaching and learning activities of the institution. This parameter holds a weightage of 0.25 in the overall ranking. The institutions are evaluated based on the number of students graduating, their employability, and their average salary packages [4]. The other two parameters considered in the NIRF Engineering 2023 ranking are Outreach and Inclusivity and Perception, which hold a weightage of 0.10 each. 

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