
jobs for faculty at gla, alliance, km Mathura, SRM University

jobs for faculty at gla, alliance, km Mathura, SRM University

jobs for faculty at gla, alliance, KM Mathura, and SRM universities- The universities and colleges are hiring Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors.

GLA University is hiring for the following faculty jobs

Professor, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors in the following domain and Specialization




Computer Engineering and Applications

Electronics and Communication/Electrical Engineering


Candidates interested in the above post can send their updated CV to and candidates can check the details on

Deadline-26 December 2023

jobs for faculty at gla, alliance, km Mathura, SRM University

KM Medical College and Hospital Mathura has urgent requirements for UG and PG Courses

Dean/Principal, Medical Superintendent

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Resident, Junior Resident and Tutor-Anatomy, psychology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery and all allied clinical subjects including Radiology, Emergency Medicine and TB and Chest

Candidate can apply by emailing Contact No 8449851111

Check upcoming government exam

Nav-Rachana University is looking for the following Faculty

Dean-School of Liberal Studies and Education, School of Engineering and Technology

Assistant and Associate Professor

Visual Communication and Design, School of Environmental Design and Architecture

Assistant Professor

Electronics Engineering/Electronics and Communication Engineering-School of Engineering & Technology

Executive Assistant

Admission and Outreach

You can apply by going on to their website or call 265-2617103

Alliance University is hiring for the following position

Teaching Full Time, Adjunct; Professors of Practice; Research Professor; Teaching Assistant; Research Associates

School of Business

School of Applied Engineering

School of Advanced Computing

School of Law

School of Liberal Arts

School of Design and Creative Arts

School of Tourism and Hospitality Management

School of Film and Media Studies

School of Physical Sciences

School of Economics

Requirement- A Doctoral Degree from IIM, IITs, NITs, IISc, NLUs etc or renowned Foreign Universities

Have patents, research grants, consultancy and high-value funded projects

Deadline – 15 days from publishing of the vacancy

You can apply with an updated CV and Cover Letter to

Trichy SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre is hiring the following Faculty

Professor-Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Respiratory Medicine, Dermatology, Radio Diagnosis, Anesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Emergency Medicine, urology, Nephrology

Associate Professor

Physiology, Biochemistry, Forensic Medicine, General Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Respiratory medicine, Dermatology, Radio Diagnosis, Anesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Emergency Medicine, Urology, Nephrology

Assistant Professor

Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, Neurology, Medical Gastroenterology, Neuro Surgery, Endocrinology, Nephrology, Neonatology

Senior Resident

Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, General medicine, Psychiatry, Microbiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Surgery, Emergency Medicine

Qualification as per NMC Norms

Mail your CV at

Deadline 10 days of this notice

NMIMS Univesity Mumbai Campus is hiring for the following position


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

In the following areas

Pharmaceutics, Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacology, Operation, Marketing

Deadline 30 December 2023

You can visit the official website career at

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